
If we are at a restaurant, and want to go to the bathroom, where do we put our napkin...chair or table? ?

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If we are at a restaurant, and want to go to the bathroom, where do we put our napkin...chair or table? ?




  1. Leave it folded on the left hand side of your place on the table.  I don't like to think about putting my napkin on a seat that hasn't  been cleaned since the last person's bottom was on it!  It's good that you care about etiquette - it will serve you well throughout your life.  You could be the smartest person in the world but if you don't have good manners few people will want to hire you.  Good luck in your life.

  2. take it into the bathroom with you

    just in case they're out of toilet paper

  3. I think the chair.

  4. Fold it neatly and put it on the table beside your plate.

  5. If it is a paper napkin, you should take it with you.  Just in case.

  6. I've never been to a restaurant where i've had to worry about that.  My only thought is why would I want to put a napkin that I wipe my face with on a chair where so many butts have been.

  7. I was taught to lay it on the chair.

  8. Even if you haven't used it the napkin goes on the chair. It's in poor taste for other people to have to look at your napkin while eating their food.

    This is from :

    The first thing to do after being seated at a table is to immediately place your napkin in your lap. Unfold it into either a large triangle or rectangle. Never use your napkin as a tissue, but have one close by if you think you'll need to wipe your nose during the meal. Ladies should blot their lipstick with a tissue before eating so that they don't soil the cloth napkin and glassware. Don't flip over your coffee cup or other glassware you won't be using. If a beverage is served during the meal that you don't want, simply hold your hand over the cup and say, "No thank you."

    If you have to leave the table during the meal, say a soft "excuse me" to the people on either side of you, leave your napkin on your chair (not the table) and push the chair under the table as you leave.

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