
If we are held responsible for?

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airlines provide a service but are often not held accountable for delays and things of that nature. However, we as travelers are hit with a number of fees just to re-book a flight. Shouldn't they be held accountable?




  1. companys are hardly ever held responsible for there we the people must pay for them..doesnt make much sense does it..i was charged $2.00 late fee for my cable bill...but for 6 days last month i had cable problems..did i get a rebate..nope..i still had to pay the entire bill..and these company's want to know why the public gets pissed all the time...

  2. You would think but consider they are losing money badly right now and that most tickets are below the cost of providing the service right now, we are getting what we pay for. No one likes high air fares but you cannot expect great service from a provider that is losing money.

    Remember that the airline industry since deregulation has been a net destroyer of capital. They have never, overall, made money and are basically a public utility.

  3. Well certain things they cant control. Like weather, ATC, ect ect. Its out of their hands and has to do with teh Govt. When its a mechnical problem, often time the airline will provide compensation to the passenger if the delay is long enough.

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