
If we are not creatures of habit. Why can i answer most peoples questions on here by doing a google search.?

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If we are not creatures of habit. Why can i answer most peoples questions on here by doing a google search.?




  1. Asking a question later on may lead to different answers than when you had asked at an earlier time.

    What you suggest, that it is better to search for answers that already exist, will lead to stagnation.

    I could, for example, ask the same question once per season - i guarentee you that there will be different answers every time.

  2. Y!A are more social.

  3. A lot of people won't take the time to do that.  Too, the person may not know where to begin searching for the information.  I know a few times I've had to try different phrases and such before I found what I wanted.  

  4. 1. Because you're better than the questioner at seeing the essential search term.

    2. Because you're a problem-solver - most people aren't.

    3. Because you've learned good research skills.

  5. Hmmm...

    I don't know

    Google it  

  6. We're definitely creatures of habit, all the questions look similar, similar problems, same concerns, we are boring creatures.

  7. Do you have an iq of 150? if so... why use google?

    anyway, i ask questions that i could google anyway, but its better to get information from different people and make your own mind up. alot of the time one article  is strong towards one instance.

    i  just prefer answers on here, but sometimes they dont answer, or answer properly, and so i need to google it



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