
If we are not willing to hold discussions with anti-American leaders, how can we change their minds?

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Not saying everyone will change their minds. But there is a level of escalation.

1. You don't really want to fight me, maybe you should go home and sleep it off.

2. Seriously, you don't want to fight me, what about prison?

3. Do you want to go to prison with only one kneecap?

4. Break their kneecap.





  1. That's the whole point: You CAN'T change their minds. Do you honestly think that administrations back as far as these anti-American leaders have been a problem haven't been trying to do that AND talking to them. Just because we don't know it's happening, doesn't mean it isn't. If Jimmy Carter's pandering didn't work, why do you think talking to them now would work? It didn't work when Chamberlain talked to Hitler and even got documents signed, it isn't going to work now. Europe has even tried paying Iran off to stop their nuclear program and even that didn't work. But you think Obama going over there and having tea with the guy is suddenly going to change his mind?

  2. we can have talks with them without giving them the prestige of meeting with the President; that can wait until they have shown that they are serious about being part of the world community

  3. Shoot them!  Then their mind is changed, from working to dead!

  4. Great point. You can't.

    It has been proven through history that diplomatic discussions have paved ways to diplomatic solutions, which do not involve costly wars and/or nuclear destruction.

    If the US government, present or future, can suppress their ego while present at the bargaining table, a lot of progress can be made with it's enemies.

  5. invading them, unfortunately, our foreign policy seems to be as mature as a 6th graders ("He's being mean to me! I'm gonna beat him up rather then try to talk out the problems reasonably!")

  6. As you suggest, talking with them is one way. Another is to pressure them politically. I'm sure we have tried those two ways and more with some dictators who have no interest in changing their minds.

  7. The old-fashioned way: kill 'em. Works each and EVERY time!

    As for talking to 'em, does any sane person really believe that a gangster like Mugabe is open to persuasion? No, I mean really, the only conversation bums like him understand is the kind that comes out of the barrel of a gun.

  8. We can't. They have a philosophical belief that America should be destroyed. You don't reason with that. you destroy it.

    I like my Coca-Cola and $350,000 house.

    I am starting to dislike my $40,000 truck though.

  9. We might be able to but there are some whose minds can't be changed.  Do you think anyone could have changed Hitler's mind?   If you do then you are saying that all of the fighting during WW2 was a waste.

    Reps:  Most world leaders can be negotiated with but there are a few that can't.

    Obama:  All world leaders can be negotiated with.

    Who is closer to reality.

  10. Name once when holding talks produced any real change?  Remember Chamberlin, all of the talks the Israel's have held and still the attacks on them, and the list goes on and on.  The other side sees talks as a sign of weakness not strength!

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