
If we are our brother's keeper, how come Obama isn't helping his brother?

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That is what he said in his acceptance speech.

Or is that just for the rest of us? Didn't even send him a hut sweet hut embroidered pillow. What kind of example is that?

Send the poor guy some money Obama and put your money where your mouth is.




  1. Are you in his life? How do you know that he isn't dependent on drugs or alcohol? Would you give someone on drugs money?

    Why don't you ask McSame why it took him so long to vote for a Martin Luther King holiday? Is he racist?

  2. First of all ur wrong about that. If u would actually try to find out about Obama's brother you would know that he says he is living in Kenya and is fine with that. He says I'm not a poor man but I'm not a rich man and I'm happy where i am. What do you want Obama  to do force money onto him. DId George ever tell you he needed any money?

  3. As with all liberals, they will send our money not theirs.

    He should be ashamed of himself for ignoring his brother, cant he at least throw him a few thousand dollars, even if he took it from the campaign. Then we could have an investigation as to where that money went. Then his brother would be on TV  

  4. I don't think Obama was aware his poor half-brother existed.  Fathers usually aren't in the habit of telling their b*****d children about each other, especially when those children are on different continents.  His half-brother was also too embarassed at his financial situation to admit any relationship to Obama.

  5. Because his brother wants and needs no help from Obama.

    He has stated this.

    Why doesn't Cindy(only child) McCain help out her sister Kathleen Portalski?

    She might even get her to vote for John if she did.

    "Cindy McCain's half-sis: I'm voting for Barack Obama"

  6. This is just him being himself. And his  supporters have no problems with nothing the man dose.  We have problems America.  

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