
If we are to forced to give up our freedom, and our way of life to convert to their vision, is it too much to?

by  |  earlier

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to ask that they have a replacement ready?

Those who preach and praise ‘green technology’ and swear that if the US doesn’t begin the conversion yesterday, when pressed on the issue of WHAT green technology are they talking about that are ready, available, affordable and most of all realistic you never get an answer? You hear things like, ‘when more are made the cost will go down’ or the technology WILL improve, on and on and on. So we are told that we MUST switch today, but switch to what?

My question is this, without bankrupting the average working family, what are we to “switch to” that would have any real impact other than costing us more money most of us do not have? Look people, changing lightbulbs selling 'carbon' credits will not change anything, gas is still about to hit $4.00 a gallon.




  1. Yes the more they propagate Global Warming the higher the price of oil will go. The rich are afraid the poor will use up all the oil and they will not have any for their Jet airplane.

  2. I guess my answer from yesterday wasn't good-nuf for ya?

    Here you go again -

    You are just flat out wrong.

    Ask me again.


    I'm going to take the long way around.  Thanks for asking.

    When I get asked these types of questions I think of an interview I saw on McNeil Lehrer many years ago.  At the time the US economy was stuck in stagflation and the German economy was ok.  They asked the German economist how they did it, how did they avoid stagflation and how can the US get out of it.  The answer?  Something to the effect of

    …there is no magic fix.  The only solution is to never allow yourself to get into this situation in the first place…

    “when pressed on the issue of WHAT green technology are they talking about that are ready, available, affordable and most of all realistic you never get an answer?”

    Environmentalists have been pressing for policy solutions for over 50 years.  The technical solutions have been in the bag for decades.  Policy makers have made careers of ignoring the warnings of scientists and experts.  But now that the chickens have come home to roost – whose fault is that?

    Problem: Stop building suburbs and exurbs because we are destroying farmland we need and creating permanent long commutes for everyone.  

    Solution: Lets’ build mixed communities

    Holdup: Backward thinking local governments and Byzantine zoning laws.

    Problem: Wasting energy is bad.  The price of gas is going to go up eventually.  

    Solution: Please increase the CAFÉ standards now.

    Holdup:  Congress in the back pocket of big oil and Detroit.

    Problem: We need to conserve energy now.

    Solution: With a ten year plan and carrot and stick tax/incentive policy we could cut energy use in US by half.

    Holdup: Ditto. Really incredibly short sighted and myopic policy makers in Washington.  

    Problem: We need alternative energy now.

    Solution: Incentivize what little R& D is left to be done and incentivize the implementation necessary to get it installed.

    Holdup: ditto.  Germans and others are doing it now.  We are falling behind.

    We know Washington is not listening to environmentalists and ordinary people who want solutions.  Who are they listening to?

    This is an interesting new tack you guys are taking - blaming environmentalists for being alarmist and then blaming them again because no solutions are ready in time.  Do you have any idea how silly this is?  

    It’s not silly, it’s a new low.

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