
If we arent aloud to go really fast in a car then why do they make your car go 150 miles per hour?

by  |  earlier

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i dont get it. if we arent suppose to go 150 miles per hour then why do they make cars that can go that fast? it just doesnt make since to me :D




  1. There are car that will do nearly 200 mph. Your guestion is simple to answer. 99% of these super fast car's are from over sea. The have road you can drive as fast as you want. But to drive these car's on the open. The insurance will cost you two America Car' and the some. Yes!! the Unit State does make some fast car's. There is a auto race In France. It is a 24 hour run. To get in to this race. 1000 car's hap to be build for sale and the road here in the State.

    The may reason we cannot drive that fast is: Most people cannot handle that can of speed. In less than a second you will loose it. The next reason is safety. There to many car's on the road.  Most people don't want to drive that fast. And they want to be in the fast lands. The last is we don't have roads that can handle that speed.

  2. because you can die in that impact, for one reason.

  3. Good question!  I think it mainly relates to marketing vehicles for a performance crowd.  You're right, it is definitely illegal to drive cars that fast on regular roads.  But a lot of high performance car enthusiasts enjoy bringing their cars to tracks and pushing them to the limit.  

    Also, you have to consider that auto manufacturers set expectations on how fast a vehicle can accelerate to freeway speeds.  And a car that has a top speed of 75mph would probably take forever to get there, unless it's governed at that speed.

  4. becasue that is how fast they are able to go. i dont know why either. i think its just how fast the cars are capable of going. no real puropse

  5. i just like knowing i can if i wanted to.  same reason why people who own hummers brag about their windows being bullet proof.  i have heated seats i never use and i don't think i've opened my sun roof in years.

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