
If we as americans want a green world why then does our government let imports from countrys that pollute?

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If we stopped imports from countrys that dont comply with our own EPA regs. and basic workers rights then companys would stay or relocate back providing more jobs and helping the world enviroment, why wont they do this?




  1. Because politicians in this country are scratching the backs of corporate entities.

    It's a very corrupt system.

  2. Pardon me, that would be dumm.

    It would be impossible, because you need stuff from other countries. What would happen if you would stop importing oil or some other substances?

    If your American companies would relocate back in the US they would have to start paying higher wages and therefore make less profit and your ecomonic growth would eventually get slower.

    Besides, since when has America been going green?

  3. our govt has made agreements with foreign entities to exchange cheaply made c**p because our govt owes them money they borrowed form foreign nations.  It all started when we bombed Japan....we were so stupid to spend "our" money and rebuild there city........then we made an even more stupid move, we taught them how to build look around at all the j*p c**p. that's over priced and cheaply made. and cost more to fix.  Japan is winning their war financially... I don't buy anything that  wasn't made here!

    They the corporations don't want more jobs here, they want cheap labor over-seas....they want more for themselves, and less for everybody else...

  4. Who the h**l said I wanted to stop pollution asshat.

  5. Freedom of individual choice? If "we as americans" wanted that all you would do is stop purchasing from those countries, wouldn't we.

  6. Companys won't dothat as our labor unions will not let the workers work for what we can get it done for overseas. Going Green is killing the world. There is massive food shortages everywhere and food wars going on all over the world because of Biodiesel and going green. the corn and soybeans that used to be food is being sold for fuel.....shortage...wars.....its killing us!

  7. we must boycott walmart . 80% of their goods are chinese commie  child  slave  labor c**p .

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