
If we assume that man have evolved from apes. then why?

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why human n chimp can"t mate or produce hybrid.

just for pete's sake don give any chromosomal reason since we know that


offspring of the donkey and the horse which is

called a mule. One has 62 chromosomes and one has 64. This gives the mule 63.

Dogs and wolves can have offspring.

y can't sapiens mate among homonids .

is that directly means that adam n eve theory is true




  1. Humans did not evolve from modern apes or chimps. We evolved along paralell lines from a common ancestor.

  2. Actually, it doesn't.  Donkeys and horses are fairly closely related, which is why they can mate at all, even if their offspring are infertile.  Dogs and wolves are even more closely related, so you can have fertile dog/wolf hybrids.  If our closest common ancestor was sufficiently far back (we are not evolved _from_ today's apes; our ancestors are all extinct; we're just the cousins of modern apes), we wouldn't be able to mate with apes for the same reasons we can't mate with horses, even though we're related to them, too.

    Although there's no actual evidence that we _couldn't_ mate with chimps, who are our closest living relatives.  It almost definitely wouldn't happen in the wild, naturally, for many reasons (do you want to try to seduce an ornery animal many times stronger than you?  I don't).  It _could_ possibly happen, though, with a turkey baster or similar.  There have been experiments attempted for this sort of thing (seriously.  check out wikipedia's "humanzee" page, and then google it), but they've been stopped for rather obvious ethical and squick issues.

  3. This question has been asked about 3 million times.....just this week.....

  4. Actually there may be some evidence that we were infact able to mate with Homo Neanderthalis. And we did not evolve from great apes. We evolve from a primordial ancestor from which great apes also arrived from.

  5. The thing about assuming is, well, the process can lead you down some screwy paths, some of which make you sound...not so bright.

    Maybe before you expand your penchant to...assume about might learn a little...anthropology!

    What say?

  6. Separation of 6 million years.

    "The evolution model predicts that, as a consequence of genetic mutations, populations of organisms will, over a sufficiently long period of time, naturally acquire physical traits that make them distinctly different from their ancestors, so much so that they may no longer be sexually compatible with those ancestors."

    Adam and Eve were the first Jews.  The Old Testament is their book.  It is a history of the Jews. The seven days mentioned explains why there is a holy day.  If you want to know the meaning maybe they should be consulted.

  7. I read a funny thought in the newspaper that goes like this.

    "If human beings descended from apes, then why are there still apes?"

  8. has anyone ever tried?

  9. You say that chromosomes shouldn't be mentioned, but this is the major reason that they are not compatible. It need not be just the chromosome number, but the order and composition of the genes within each chromosome. Then you have the complication of xenocompatibility, where foreign cells are recognised as such and attacked by the body's immune system. The number of cross species births is extremely small, considering the number of obviously related animals in nature, horses/donkeys and lions/tigers are the best example of successful matings.

    Even Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens were probably not compatible, even though they probably co-existed for many thousands of years. They were geographically separated for only 100,000 years or so. Genetic drift will eventually ensure that a divided species will likely become two incompatible species.

    Dogs and wolves are the same species. They are just different breeds of the same animal. Separation is likely to extend about  10,000 years at the most. Not enough for separate speciation to occur.

    The story of Adam and Eve not a theory, it is conjecture based on a book written in the bronze age by men who thought that blindness was caused by sin, and that the Sun revolved around the Earth. They were writing within their limitations. Unfortunately there are people today who still wish to constrain themselves to the same limitations.  


  10. The bigger question is...How did all the beneficial mutations occur in humans since our  MRCA with primates?

    Given that we only share 94-96 percent of our DNA and that our genetic makeup has 3 billion base pairs, we have a difference of 4-6 percent of that which is 120-180 million individual, beneficial mutations since our MRCA of around 14 million years ago. That equates to around 10 individual, beneficial mutations per year, every single year. Where is the data to support this when beneficial mutations are extremely rare? The vast majority of mutations are either harmful or neutral.

    From 1963 to 1996, research shows that the genetic defects in humans has risen from 4500 to 12,000 and projected to increase even further. Why have all the beneficial mutations not been evident it that time period?

  11. Humans and Chimps CAN mate, we chose not to and it is unknown if any offspring would be fertile (as with horse/donkey = a mule which is infertile) We have more DNA in common with a chimp than a donkey has with a horse. Look it up. (human genome project) Also... we did not evolve from apes we evolved seperatly from a common ancestor hundreds of thousands of years ago.

  12. It is probable that chimps & bipedal hominids mated for several million yrs before they grew too far apart to mate. The Chimp has evolved further away from the common ancestor than has the modern human. While some animals with differing numbers of chromosomes can produce hybrids (some are even fertile hybrids) few can. The dog is simply a gray wolf that has been selectively bred for 1000s of years, but it is still a wolf... pure & simple.

    Some new info on species that may hold some clues to hybrids & their role in evolution.

    To the Adam & Eve question... that is a bronze age myth, but all those living today can trace their direct MtDNA linage back to one woman in Africa ~150,000 yrs ago.  That doesn't mean the woman contributed all their genes... only the mitochondrial linage.  All males can trace their Y chromosome back to one male that lived in Africa about 80,000 yrs ago.

    We have found fossiles of what appear to be modern humans in Australia with MtDNA that is closer to Neandertal than to what we call the mitochondrial Eve. Mungo man's DNA is closer to Neandertal than to Sapien.

  13. Organisms are classified in the same species if they are potentially capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

    It's interesting that the two examples you give involve domestic animals that were bred through artificial selection in the last 12,000 years or so - that clouds the issue but doesn't support your position at all.

    Species that are very closely related may produce hybrids. For instance the domestic dog is an extremely close relative of the gray wolf, differing from it by at most 0.2% of mtDNA sequence. Just remember the dog is not a natural species; they are domesticated, bred by humankind from wolves. There is no place in the world where chihuahuas or great danes are found in the wild.

    Like dogs, donkeys and horses are domestic animals and it is the artificial selection that humans have imposed on these animals that confuses you. Donkeys were bred from African wild asses, horses come from ancestral populations in Eurasia. The fact that mules are sterile indicates domestic donkeys and domestic horses are not the same species and descend from different wild ancestors but the domestication process has brought them closer together than natural populations.

    The lines of descent that led to chimpanzees and humans diverged around 6 million years ago - we're just too far apart to produce hybrids.

    Adam and Eve are allegorical.

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