
If we can see the moon during our day (in NY), can people in China not see it during their night?

by Guest66019  |  earlier

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From where I live, there's a 12 hr time difference between Beijing and me, which means if its daytime here, it's night there. Well sometimes we see the moon during the day. So say on any given day I see the moon at 2 pm (2 am China time). Does that mean that China can't see the moon since it's on my side?




  1. Yes, because the Earth is in the way.  Then when the Earth has rotated such that they can see it, you cannot.

  2. Of course that's what it means. If it's in your sky at two PM, how could it also be in China's sky, on the other side of the Earth, at two AM China time? It will be in their sky twelve hours later, at two PM China time.

  3. This is a huge misconception that i as a physics teacher am constantly trying to correct.

    If you see the moon at night in new york then so does china at night!!!

    However, if you see the moon now in new york NOW, then china has to wait till their side comes around to see it (approx 12 hours).

    This is because night time is at different times around the world.

    Realise that the moon takes 14 days to get to the other side of the earth... so if it is on the far side from the sun (full moon) then it will still be there for EVERYONE that night.

  4. No. If you see the moon in your daytime, then 12 hours later, the Chinese will see it in their daytime.

  5. Yeah..that about covers it.

    If your side of Earth sees the moon...then..the other side won't.

    Now...eventually...that goes the other way.

    Then...China would see it...and you wouldn't.

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