
If we can turn solar energy in to a power source then why cant we harness gravity???????

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my step ad wants to no why we cant harness gravity and turn it into energy since we can turn solar energy in to a power source




  1. We already do use gravity - in the form of water falls. Niagara Falls produces a ton of energy.

    We can't lift things on our own and then let gravity turn that into some other form of energy, as lifting it would take more energy (fight gravity plus friction) then you would get from it (loss of friction, convert to other form).

  2. solar energy is just pure energy, and its pretty hot. Gravity is different because instead of being beams of energy shot at the earth, it hold i together. Gravity is a power of attraction in sorts. If were even able, we might make the earth fall apart from lack of gravity even

  3. besides the ways that already exist, there are no materials that respond to gravity in a chemical way. Solar panels react to the radiation and other factors in light.

  4. Currently the major source of gravity is hydroelectric power.

    The environmentalists not like it be cause it disrupts fish from spawning.

    There is some talk about lab created singularities but I don't like the idea of creating black holes (no matter how small) on earth.

  5. Gravity in itself can't make energy....but inertia can ...

    examples... flywheel, waterwheel......

  6. Both hydro and tidal power are ways of harnessing gravity.  Physics prevent any other method from working.

  7. Gravity is sort of a one way street.  You would need energy to make a cycle to produce more energy.  It runs into the same nasty laws of physics that most of those old perpetual energy and 100 mpg carbeurators do.

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