
If we compare wisdom and knowledge which is more important?

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I am confuse because some say that knowledge is mighter and the verse-versa.




  1. Knowledge isn't any good unless you have the wisdom to use it.

  2. both r relevant. u cant use wisdom without knowledge.

  3. I think you need knowledge in order to have wisdom...

  4. Wisdom for the wizards and the wiseman.

    knowledge for the scientist and engineer,etc

    Wisdom is how to filler and bind your all of your knowledge in

    the right place,time or any domain.

  5. You can have all the knowledge but lack the insight on how to use it.  Rather like owning a car and having no idea how to drive!!!!

    Einstein pointed this out when he proclaimed that imagination was more important than knowledge!!!

  6. It's been said that knowledge will help you to make a living but wisdom will help you make a life.

    Wisdom is using both intuition and deduction but neither are of much use without knowledge.

    Knowledge is of little use unless it is wisely applied.

  7. To me, wisdom is more important, because I think wisdom  leads to knowledge, but someone could have knowledge and lack the wisdom to utilize it.

  8. knowledge since wisdom comes with time and experiance

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