
If we continue the wasting the way we do, how long untill earth is uninhabitable?

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If we continue the wasting the way we do, how long untill earth is uninhabitable?




  1. It will be miserable, you will soon change the way you thinnk of humanity forever.  When real things start to happen (in a matter of decades) it's gonna really HURT to be alive.  It won't take much for us to turn intor a real military compound.  And the worst of it is, they don't allow weed.

  2. A very long time.

    But we could make it very unpleasant for ourselves in pretty short order.  Not doing anything about global warming could accomplsih the task in just 100 years.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    Not good.

  3. Like 4 years, haven't you heard of 2012? It's all over after that.

  4. The sun will destroy us before that happens sweetie.

  5. something bad will happen before that and many people will die both directly and indirectly.  All we need is another 1815 tambora sized volcanic eruption, or a meteor to hit or something, then we will wish it never happened.  I think the earth will sort things out in the end.

  6. Like 3000 years, its not like earth is just going to die

  7. Since the industrial revoution started,that coupled with man's greed,started a time bomb.Instead of heeding the warning signs,the government has instead used their scientists to refute what the world scientists's warnings.Now that they can't ignore it anymore it's probably too late.Only God knows exactly how much time is left,but I dread the suffering it will cause humankind before it all ends.

  8. It will still take thousands and thousands of years, and by that time we would be colonizing and terraforming other planets. So, you or your great great grandchildren don't have anything to worry about for quite awhile....

  9. Well they say about a couple of 100 years and no earth is not going to just die out by its self , its actually going to destroy its self using mother nature.

  10. As long as there are people, there will always be...Soilent Green.

    Bon appetite.

  11. Basically since we live in an ecosystem, all compounds are broken down and reused.

    So there is no waste in such a system as ours.

    That's no reason to waste food or other things because that wastes money, but don't think it will hurt the earth if you waste, just your wallet.

    Relax, enjoy this wonderful planet. Try not to pollute, but don't worry so much.  It's not good for you.

  12. uninhabitable? hmm I think thousands of years from now... but I think there would still be people living on earth at that time

    and about the comment that the sun would destroy us before that could happen.. I would say I disagree, I  think the sun would  explode millions of years from now and I doubt the earth would still exist at that time..

  13. In the US, waste, scraps, and any material that can be resold is used for more and new products.

    Everything from old cars to cow p**p is converted into new material to be sold for profit.

    The more Capitalism a country has, the more they recycle.

  14. According to this scientist as early as the beginning of the next century, "After 40 years, I'm part of a huge community of scientists who have become alarmed with our discovery, that we know from our knowledge of the ancient past, that if we continue our present growth path, we are facing extinction," Barrett said. "Not in millions of years, or even millennia, but by the end of this century." Professor Barrett’s predictions, based on reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1000 scientists from 100 nations.

    I however believe that life will become increasingly more difficult and miserable if nothing is done about global warming but it may take up to a thousand or more years before everyone is wiped out.

    In the least there will be a diminishing of people. If these people still left are smart they will then wake up and reverse their habits and actually work with the earth as facilitators of its healing.

    On the bright side there is still time. Governmental change is essential since there will always be nay sayers and or people who just do not care about anyone but themselves and or immediate friends and family.

    I actually believe things are starting to change but sometimes it takes a while to really see until the momentum starts moving.

    There is a critical mass of people needed to order to turn things around. Thanks for helping be part of the solution.

    Many Blessings  : )

  15. sun will destroy first, agreed.  people have been freaking out about how everyone will die because these times are the worst since the beginning of time.  humans need to just chill out.

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