
If we could clone dinosaurs and ride them till they died and turned into oil would that solve the fuel crisis?

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If we could clone dinosaurs and ride them till they died and turned into oil would that solve the fuel crisis?




  1. that was weird (:

    i dont know if it would solve the crisis,

    but it would help.

    it would take along time too, for them to

    die then go into the earth.

  2. No.  The vast majority of oil reserves are in fact from plant material.  So what you really want is to ride around on a gigantic mat of moss.

    Saddle up!

  3. halejuha someone is finally talking sense around here

  4. I think your really on to something!

  5. Where would you find a dinosaur they are extinct!

  6. I certainly don't believe we could 'ride' them.

    First of all, you have to understand that oil takes many many years to accumulate into enough where we can actually make a profit off of the oil spurt (I'm talking quite a long time, far longer than any man can live).

    Second of all, it's going to take us a while to clone dinosaurs. Who knows, what if when we finally clone them we don't need oil anymore (for example, cars at that time would now run on water)?

    My answer is yes, it is possible, but not in the allotted time we have left with the rest of our oil.

    Not to mention, there is really a small chance that we could even tame the dinosaurs and keep them away from our already damaged ecosystems on Earth.

  7. Um if you could clone a dinosaur and train him to be ridden, then don't worry about oil.  Just clone another dinosaur when your's dies.

  8. yessyesssyesss

    im going to try that.

    hahaha i always wanted a pet dinosaur!!

    ill call it fluffy.

  9. I guess if we could just keep cloning them yeah.... It would...

    It wouldent do much for our envoromental crisis though now would it?


  10. No it takes millions of years for them to become fossil fuel. However, we could be buried with no coffins and see what happens with that. eww. Hate to think of it.

  11. i wasnt aware dinosaurs turned to oil when they died......but one problem there we'd have to wait for them to die so eithe way we'd be screwed until they did die.....considering the animal activists woudnt let people kill them.....

  12. Yeah , brilliant idea , we need more "fossil" fuel....

  13. LOL good idea. But no

  14. that wont be easy

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