
If we do attack Iran...?

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Frankly, Iran poses no threat to the U.S. itself; it's like a rat against a T-Rex. We know that it's AIPAC's lobbying to protect Israel, but I think that Israel can handle Iran well without our help. We do supply Israel with a lot of aid financially. For a country that's smaller than New Jersey, Israel is theorized to have 100-200 nukes, which would beat Iran.

Will we just attack the problematic areas (i.e. their military bases and other places that house their weapons), or will we pointlessly flatten the whole country and cause yet another Iraq situation?

Or do you think that it won't happen?




  1. With what army?

    With our troops that are committed across the world, we would be hard pressed to come up with 5,000 free bodies with equipment and more people to back them up. And it would take much more than that to properly attack Iran.

    Drill in ANWR? What are you talking about? So that in perhaps six years or so we could maybe buy 2% less foreign oil than we do now?

  2. whos we?

  3. They would have absolutely zero support from the public. If we already don't approve of the war in Iraq, starting an entirely new conflict would do irreparable damage to our country's reputation and completely destroy our government's legitimacy.

    It's not our place to be the world police and if they want a war, leave us out of it. These are century old conflicts and no outside influence (us) is gonna stop them. They need to resolve this themselves. The best we can do is help in implementing peace talks. That is about as much legitimacy we have in that or any other area of the world.

    Funding  weapons of war is just as bad as participating in it.

  4. Dpj5 is right

  5. you have it right. We will NOT invade.  it will be concentrated strikes on the nuclear facilities and maybe missile sites.  The most we will see of ground forces are probably a few commandos sent in to destroy the underground facilities.  Yes I think it will happen.  Israel blew up the Osiris reacot in Iraq in '81, and the Syrian ractor a few monts ago.  Why wouldn't they attack Iran's, especially after all the comments made by Ahamdinejad regarding the destruction of Israel??

  6. I hope we don't .It would be stupid .The reason we should not attack Iran .They have nukes , they also have a small but potentially dangerous navy.Also the

    Arab world would really hate us,the UN would be mad at us.

  7. You are absolutely right on.  The only people who continuously harp on attacking Iran are the same people who day in and day out lobby for Israel.  Joe Lieberman is the AIPAC spokesperson of choice and he looks so excited to bomb Iran that one wonders for which country he serves.

    Our policy in regards to Israel is to protect it at all costs and have our elites make money of the privatization of the nations we take down for it.  We knock their enemies down and we get the contracts to re-build what we destroy.  The AIPAC people and the LIkud are happy and so are our fat cats.  Iraq was the prime example of this.

    Iran however is very different.  If we actually think we are going to be able to take that regime out and privatize at will there we are sadly mistaken.  If Iranians are not supportive of our coup and regime change we will have caused irreperable harm to both our causes in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Both situations will become untenable and we will most likely be forced to leave Saigon style.

    We will, like you said, attack by air their Revolutionary Guards bases, air defenses, and missiles silos without warning.  We will do this to allow the Israelis to attack their nuke sites.  Once involved, the first Iranian missiles will land on Israel and Iran will try to refrain from attacking US interests until it is absolutely sure that it is not just Israel alone doing the bombing.  Contrary to what we think, Iran does not want war with America and will try to avoid it at all costs.  Once bombed it will play the victim.  We will be baiting the Iranians somewhere with a ship in their gulf ( Tonkin style) and if they react then we will be more open to bombing more places.

    To be honest, nothing good for America can possibly come out of this situation.  Israel can defend itself and everyone knows it should be more worried about its demographics situation destroying the Jewish state rather than an Iranian missile.  Perhaps this is why it needs war as a cover to expell the non-Jews west of the Jordan...

  8. No threat to the US? If Iran cut of the oil supplies going through the Hormuz (sp?) Strait, that is 40% of the worlds oil. The US economy would effectively go in the tubes if that happened.

    And thanks to the Dems. for not letting us drill in ANWR.

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