
If we do get the extra money back from taxes what will you do with it?

by Guest59017  |  earlier

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This extra money they are talking about....

How will you help put it back into our economy?? Or will you stash it for fear of the recession?




  1. Invest in Solar Power use to help  build solar power  arrays throughout U.S.A. if others use theirs for that purpose by placing them at well known respected instituition which could help.  In this case The U.N. might work. Not a government maybe not entirely respected but could advance cause of peace by doing so. Could mean many homeless in L.A, no longer Homeless havig been employed in building and maintaining Solar Power redesigning rebuilding infrastructure  to accept Solar Power

  2. Take you out for a wild night on the town.

  3. Save it. If I had any debts I'd use it to pay off part of that.

  4. Hey...funny you asked that question as I was just about to post it in Polls and Survery as I am presently listening to Larry Kudlow speak on "The Morning Call" that I watch regularly.

    Well... I was going to spend in on gas and oil but the Street Talk is that it will only benefit Saudi Arabia.

    Next I thought I'd blow it on myself in my favorite discount department store and maybe pick up some great sales for next Christmas, etc.  But again,  the Street Talk is that the money will wind up in China and will only benefit China.

    So my choices now are:  Use it to pay my quarterly property taxes of $850.00; spend it at the grocery store and stuff my freezer; or  stick it in my insignificant savings account for a rainy/emergency day.

    Personally I think the Gov't should keep it where it is and cut taxes for all of us so we will have more money in our paychecks.  This big idea of the Bush Proposal  is only going to cost us more of our hard earned money in the end.  It's called a Band Aide solution to an immediate problem.  As I see it...we can only slowly  bleed to death with that proposal.  Spending our way out of a Recession is akin to spending your way out of credit card debt.

    However...If I do get a Bush check,... I will put all but 50 bucks in the savings account.  I will spend that 50 bucks  and take my son out to a good movie and then for some great seafood.  It is important to have fun and will help somewhat to keep the entertainment and resturant industries going here in our country.

    That is the Best Answer I can come up with to what I consider a very bad proposal.

  5. blow it.

  6. Pay my bills.

  7. I am going to buy another SOCOM 16 rifle in case Billary gets into power and starts banning them, like they did the first time around.

    I might buy another Glock, ya just cannot have too many.

  8. I will go spend it just like I won it for free. Unless they are going to charge me taxes on it, then I'll have to put some of it away. If I get it before April 15, I'll probably use it to pay my taxes.

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