
If we don't teach prevention, how do you expect people to not get pregnant?

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Just deal with the fact that most people are going to have s*x.

If most people are uneducated about prevention, then a lot of people who aren't ready to have kids will have kids.

You conservatives say "Be responsible." If you don't give us the tools we need to be responsible, how can we?




  1. You do not understand the whole scope of the problem. I never hear about the girls who get pregnant on purpose.  This has become a huge problem. There are girls who have s*x ed in school, there are girls that get s*x ed from their parents, and yet they still choose to get pregnant long before they are emotionally ready.  What is going on with these girls that think if they get pregnant they will hold onto their boyfriends?  This has become a huge problem.

  2. I don't buy that argument. Most kids these days know about contraceptives, especially condoms, even if their school or parents don't talk to them. They have friends, and television, and the internet. Be responsible is the answer. It's not the conservatives job to teach you or your kids about responsibility and accountability. See, the dems seem to forget that parents raise their kids and teach them what they need to know, not the government.  

  3. That's a crock!! I don't care who you are or where you live, there's resources all over the place. You mean to tell me you can be old enough to have s*x and not know where babies come from? C'MON!

  4. Pregnancy is not the only side effect of unprotected s*x, there's the social disease factor to consider as well.

    i've long been an proponent that if you can't say "no", you ought to be able to say "help"

  5. I agree with those who say it is the job of parents to teach contraception at home. The problem is all the millions of parents who DON'T.  What do we do about those kids?  Someone has to look out for them!

  6. Nancy Reagan said it all:  " Just say no"

  7. teens need to be taught about prevention.  From school, parents, or really I'd even say TV if it helps.  

  8. Look dummy,  if you have unprotected s*x, then it is highly possible and probable that someone will get pregnant.

    NOW YOU HAVE THE TOOLS!   What more do you want?

    Do you want me to pay for your condoms and birth control pills?  Then if she gets pregnant, do you want me to pay for the abortion or the child care until the kid is 18?


    There I gave you the tools again.

  9. This is not a new topic.

    Unplanned teenage pregnancies have been around forever.

    Parents just did things to cover it up or made it "go away".

    Why not talk about something as natural as breathing to let our children know the problems that will confront them with unprotected s*x.

    Today getting pregnant isn't the worst thing that can happen.....STD's are much much worse

    We need to take our heads out of the sand.

  10. It's not the job of the school to teach kids something that should be taught at home.. My mother had three kids and none of us were taught prevention and we ended up fine.. Teaching kids prevention would exacerbate the problem..

  11. I firmly believe that it is very important for children to be given the means to purchase all forms of birth control.  They should also be taught how each works and how to properly use each.  Because the kids who want to have s*x, will.  It doesn't matter if there is a condom around or not.  Kids will be kids.

    Preaching abstinence does not prevent any pregnancies.  

  12. You can teach pregnancy prevention, abstainance, & provide all the tools necessary, but Bristol Palin is like a lot of 17yrs olds.  She is at that age where she is old enough to know better, but she had a "stupid" moment that all kids do at one time or another.  Yes, we conservatives say "be responsible".  Responsibility also means that you live with the consequences of your actions, no matter how painful it is.  She is facing reality sooner than what her parents hoped, but that is life.  You do what you got to do & go on.  

  13. Well, I am conservative and I am all for s*x education.  In fact, our 7 year old daughter knows all about good touching and bad touching, what is appropriate and what isn't, as well as how a woman gets pregnant.  She knows that the only way you can be 100% sure not to get pregnant and not to get any diseases is not to engage in sexual activity.  

    Sad that we had to tell her all that when she was 5, but we wanted her to know the truth from us before she started hearing the garbled versions from her friends.

    In fact, she recently told us that one of her friends told her you will get pregnant if a boy puts his tongue in your mouth.  Since she knew the truth, she was able to tell her friend - "it doesn't have anything to do with your tongue or your mouth!"

    But I still believe that the responsibility to teach s*x education starts with the parents.  The problem is that some parents aren't comfortable talking about it, which puts the kids at a disadvantage.

    And I agree that children should be taught abstinance and prevention.

  14. If we pray really hard maybe kids will stop having s*x!

    I challenge any number of you to wander over to the pregancny column.  Even more frightening adolescent.   Kids actually really don't know how babies are made or how to protect themselves.  They are relying upon word of mouth contraception, so if cindy in homeroom says that drinking mountain dew will prevent your from getting pregant I gaurantee you there is a kid out there buying it.   A kid that will no doubt be a mom in the next few years.

    We need to teach our kids, and if we as parents are going to keep kidding ourselves into thinking that they will learn it elsewhere that place better be school.  We cannot rely upon s*x ed to come from a child's peers and TV.

  15. Society expects parents to teach their offspring.

    What is is about liberals which prevents them from teaching their kids about s*x? Why do they want the schools to do the job parents have done for millenia?

    Is it that Liberals simply can't accept the responsibility or is that they're too self absorbed and don't care what their kids do?

  16. Very well put.  Don't come crying 17 years later when your kid is knocked up if you don't take the time to educate them.(Including abstinence, safe s*x etc.)  I'm just saying.

  17. This is not a bipartisan issue. It's an issue of parenting. Obviously, Palin was too busy chasing her own selfish ambitions to sit down and be a parent to this child. The fact that she accepted the nomination while knowing that her daughter would be stoned by the court of public opinion shows that she doesn't care about the "issues", she only cares about her career.  

  18. We conservatives say be a parent. Obviously this never happens in democratic families. Get a life.

  19. The argument from liberals is the biggest insult to kids in the world.

    It's completely BOGUS.

    Mostly another way to get more money for schools that they can waste.

    Kids laugh about their s*x ed classes in school.

    My kids told me it was dumb and what was wrong with them.

    They don't live under rocks.

    Gimme a break.

    They know more than their teachers before they ever take the classes from watching MTV, videos, the internet and their friends.

    How stupid do you have to be NOT to be aware of condoms and AIDS?

    When you have kids - little kids, not just teenagers - you have to watch them like hawks, know who their friends are, where they are, what they're doing, and LAND on them when they break the rules.

    And listen to them.

    Kids LEARN it.  

    You have to CHECK to make sure they learn the RIGHT things.

    You aren't giving kids enough credit.

  20. It is the job or parents, not any government to teach their children about sexual issues.  Has the rate of teen pregnancy gone down since the advent of s*x education in schools?  No.

  21. Really, it's the parents job to teach about sexual responsibility, not the government. Unfortunately, a lot of parents can't or won't teach their kids, so society has to pay for it.

  22. Abstinence should still be taught. Some will get the message.

  23. How do people know that bc wasn't used? It doesn't always work. I have a 10-year-old son to prove it. I agree about prevention, but the next responsible thing to do is rise to the occasion, raise your child or choose adoption. That is what a person with a conscious does.

  24. Without having s*x.

    THEY don't teach prevention because THEY hope people will stop having s*x until they're married causing lot of problem to the new generation only because they follow an old-fashioned superstition.

  25. Maybe people should get mother did ya know.

    There's teaching prevention and then there's encouraging risk, it's a fine line.

    Personally, I don't care ...but if something goes wrong I ain't clearing it up, I'm not paying taxes for it and I'm not going to be sympathetic. Play with fire and it's your own fault if you get burnt.

    Why do you care though? We all make our own choices (and buy your own tools)

  26. some things should be left up to the parents but i can tell in your case that your parents just kept giving you money to stay out of their sight.     if you don't want to live up to your responsibilities then keep your pants on     mr  doodles

  27. Y'do what Sarah Palin does - ignore your kids so they go looking for love in all the wrong places!

  28. aaah that is kinda the question. responsibility. what a grand idea. the same coin can be flipped. why teach s*x...? how do kids "learn" about that? yes... there is a lot going on chemically, but that can be redirected. i mean that is reason why they cry about the media being so loose morally. its detrimental to society. kids dont understand.

    i agree s*x education should be taught in schools. i think as early as you want really. they taught us in the 5th grade. i dont really remember ****. my mother never mentioned much on the subject, just let me know when you are ready kinda deals, and kick the fool out of bed if he says i love you afterwards. dont ask. dad non existent. i also think though that a parent has a right to say whether their child will be instructed by the school, and when. thats reason why they send home those permission slips.

    i think the class should be made a lot more informative than it was. there were some spots they didnt care to share. various positions. oh there was plenty on how to say no, but never really said when it was ok to say yes, or how two people should come to that decision maybe. or more on the various ways you can prevent being pregnant by knowing when your period was to start, like women were forbidden to do in the olden days. alternatives to condoms, and their success rates. or what various birth control pills can do to a woman chemically, and what to ask your doctor about. what going to a doctor will entail when getting birth control. shutters. how often one should possibly be checked for diseases. more information on the various diseases and how you can contract them, not just by having sexual intercourse kiddies.... and things of that nature. i am also inclined that various pleasure spots should be discussed and what happens during o****m... i am borderline of the opinion that a live demonstration (preferably with not the most attractive people) be given as a firm example. a happily married old couple preferred. i would even say have an open discussion about the social issues revolving around s*x should be openly and actively discussed.


  29. I will assume this question deals with Sarah Palin and her opposition to teaching s*x education in school.  Well she is of the belief that is a mother and father's responsibility to teach their children right and wrong as well as their morals.  She is not against teaching children about s*x only where it is taught.  Why would you trust schools to teach your child what they need to know about s*x when they can't even graduate children that can read? If I as a father told my son all about the dangers of teenage s*x, I would have only myself to blame when he comes home and tells me he got someone pregnant.  So, I believe that if you were to look closer at Governor Palin's belief you will find that she abdicates s*x be taught at home.  Regardless of who teaches a child about s*x they still believe they all know better than anybody else until they face the reality of their actions.

  30. Your argument rests on the assumption that kids will do what they want no matter what. The truth of the matter is that children raised in upper class families rarely have these problems (aside for Palin). That's because they educate their children a lot more (not about having s*x, but about NOT having s*x). So, I think you need to reconsider some assumptions you have.

  31. If someone is prepared to have s*x, they should learn to not get pregnant.

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