
If we dont recycle what will earth look like in the future?

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If we dont recycle what will earth look like in the future?




  1. We haven't  been recycling for thousands of years.  We will be fine.

  2. A dead trash heap.  Dead because we didn't conserve our natural resources and trash heap because of where our trash goes if it isn't recycled.

  3. Eventually it will look like the trash world seen in the movie Soldier with Kurt Russel

  4. Of course it won't be fine!!! Just because we havn't been recyling the whole Earth time span doesn't mean ANYTHING!!!  Our population is GROWING 500,000 people at day.  You don't think there is something wrong with that?  The US holds 5% of the worlds population but we use more than 25% of the earths materials.  So not recycling isn't gonna do it.  Not in this crazy world. Not anymore.  We need to do more than that. WAY MORE.  If you like San Fransico, say goodbye now.  Becasue if the peopel of the world live like this,  its gonna be under water.

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