
If we ever win in Iraq, what will we have won?

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Supposedly, we are winning in Iraq. However, if we win what will we have won? We will have won safety and security? Meaning there will never be another attack on the United States (by citizens of Saudi Arabia while we attack Iraq). Will we have won the respect of the people in the region? Meaning we have done right by them, and they aren't asking us to leave. Or does it mean we will keep a presence in the region and have won access to it resources? What will we have won?




  1. Your freedom..... to type BS such as you do today?

  2. When we win in Iraq and established a respected democracy, we will have made a dent in the "core" of the world's political problems.

    See Thomas P.M. Barnett's "The Pentagon's New Map"

    It outlines the world in an understandable way to see why the US reacts the way it does.

  3. We will have won respect of other countries that think they can thumb their nose at the UN.  We do not want terrorist governments building nuclear weapons.


  4. There will be a stable and secure democracy in the heart of the Middle East.  It will show the people across the Middle East that they do not have to settle for dictators.  

  5. We will have brought some peace to our country and to theirs.

    The point of the war was to get the horrible rulers out of there - the rulers who were killing millions of their own people and decided to come to our country and attack our people.

    The reason we are still over there is because we as a country are building up their government and stabilizing them so that Al Quida can't overtake it and undo everything we were over there for in the first place.

    There will always be war - there always has been, nobody likes it, no one ever will like it - just take a look at history books.  

  6. I dont really know...but my husband is about ready to deploy over there..but i wished they would do something, instead of keep sending all of the american soldiers over there.

  7. The right to say you've won another war. Honestly, who cares about the lack of democracy or stability in far off lands? Dozens of dictators, genocidal maniacs and inept governments still carry on unpunished, so why make a special exception for Iraq?

    What made the conclusion of the Vietnam War painful to this day wasn't the spread of Communism - it was history looking at it and stating that the United States had lost a war. A black stain on an otherwise shiny military history.

  8. first freedom from terror and oppression. second we can't just attack saudi even though they deserve it because they are supposed to be our allies. i don't know about you but i like living in freedom with out terror. second most people like us over there. hopefully the price of oil will fall so the US is not buying over 75% of our oil supply at an outrageous price. this will be done when speculators see that there is no conflict in that region. a little common sense says speculators drive up the price of oil not war or where the military is at. reason is the Air Force has not left that area since the Gulf War.

  9. A new car!!!

  10. Hopefully 98 cents a gallon

  11.   More people on welfare.  My tax dollars are being spent there and the president has the nerve to send 1 billion to georgia.  

  12. A pile of rubble!   Every American will be given a piece of Iraqi rubble to decorate their yards.

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