
If we evolved from apes did that evolution stop or will humans evolve in to sumt else?

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If we evolved from apes did that evolution stop or will humans evolve in to sumt else?




  1. `Evolution never stops, unless the species goes extinct. I'm not sure what scientists think about human evolution, but just from my own knowledge of evolution I imagine ours will become quite a bit trickier to predict and understand.

    Evolution works by survival of the fittest, where fit is defined as ability to pass on genes. If your genes mean your better, faster or stronger or more able to blend in (just a few examples) than your more likely to survive and pass on genes, and then more of the population will have your characteristics.

    Humans on the other hand, have been keeping each other alive with medical technology, so even if someone is born with something that naturally would kill them, or a life threatening disease that would end their life early, we now have ways of treating it. This means everyone (within reason) can potentially survive to pass on their genetics.

    There are also other factors in our society, (the fact that the wealthiest nations with most educated people tend to have the lowest birth rates), birth control and the known fact that generally, as intellect and wealth increase, amount of children people are having decrease.

    I'm not exactly sure what this will all mean for our future, but I can certainly predict we're not going to be getting any bigger, stronger or healtheir anytime soon.

  2. Them scighentists is all liberals,

    they is communists,

    they ain't republikens,

    they ain't consueve-a-tives

    don pay no atenshion to them scightenists, they is all lyars.

    Thet E vo-lu shion is all a lye from them liberals.

    Stay away from school and you wont be exposed to this kinda stuff!




    Let us Prey!

  3. We are evolving - smaller toes, larger brains (which might become SMALLER thanks to technology - haha), less hair on the body, less distinction in skin/hair color, etc.

  4. we'll probably just evolve abck into our common ancestor haha

  5. There is a theory known as punctuated equilibrium.  It essentially states that if an animal that is adapted to a particular niche suddenly enters a new niche, it may then evolve very quickly until new characteristics are suitable to the new niche.  At that time evolution will slow down dramatically.  Are humans adequately adapted to our present niche to the point where evolution will only proceed slowly?  I'm not sure. My gut feeling tells me that the niche is rapidly changing and it is likely that we are as well but even a rapid change in evolutionary  standards takes many lifetimes to make a dent.

  6. in every new generation of offspring, natural mutations occur. If they are good, then the mutations will become more prominent. Every generation, the human race slowly evolves. If we are around long enough, we will change some to adapt to the environment, as a result of survival of the fittest, and because of small mutations. read Charles Darwin. his theory applies not only to animals, but to people too. (no, im not a social darwinist, but i do think that people evolve over time)

  7. we evolve all the way from single cell organisms, and sure, at sometime something like apes too. we were once like a lot of things

  8. Many online references state that humans and apes had a common ancestor.

    So not quite monkey to man.

    Evolution is very slow (except in movies).

    Someday Humans may evolve into non-barbaric intelligent life.

  9. Think about all the floods we are having, if the world becomes more or less flooded then we will change toward a more water adapted creature. Maybe, living in houses above the water in trees, just like our ancestors. If the sun gets too hot we will start living in caves like houses, just like our ancestors.  If the earth gets too cold then we will adapt like the eskimoes. We have been there before and we can go back again. It will never be totally the same for we will take what we need and throw away what now may seem superior for it may not be of use tomorrow. Just as the Bushmen forgot how to paint rock paintings.

  10. Right now, humans are devolving in developed countries and eveolving in areas where life is really tough.

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