
If we evolved from apes/more basic forms how come...?

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There aren't skeletons or fossils of the inbetween stage, while we/animals we evolving?




  1. There are fossils.  Do a search for australopithecus species and you'll find a pretty ape looking thing.  Then do a search for habilis and you'll find something a little less ape like....then erectus...neanderthalensis....and finally archaic homo sapiens.  You'll see a progression.    

    That website gives a bunch of the fossils associated with human evolution.  Click on a name to see a picture of the skull.

  2. There are numerous such fossils. It seems that you do not have ability to recognize that. Or, perhaps you are just reading the wrong books.

  3. My teacher said that the animals goes to deep holes and then they see many human skeletons, then they measured the skeleton and compared it to them so the "human" forms.

    Aside from Charles Darwin, the apes first came and then the human form, the size of the apes brain is only 500cc while you are 400cc, joke!....

    The bigger of the brain shows the physical appearance of the person, The human brain size is 1450cc and so on we can talk! and we can do what animals cannot do...

  4. "more basic"? Not quite.

    There ARE a LOT of fossils of all sorts of in-between stages from "clearly not human" to "clearly human."

    Read away!

  5. There are. They are called hominids.

  6. There will be many people that believe that evolution actually did occur.  However, the fact is that it did not.  There are no species between ape and man that exist now, yet ape and man still exist.  There are actually people that believe that all things evolved from omeboa~one cell'd creatures that live in the ocean.  Also not likely.....Most apes look very close to identical.  Why, if we evolved from them, is there so many varieties in human form, coloring, stature, etc.   Well, because it simply is not true.

  7. There are plenty. They even have names for each stage in between etc. Just search on google maybe?

  8. There are fossils... Why do you assume there aren't?

  9. Who says there isn't?  Just because we haven't found any yet doesn't mean they don't exist.

  10. Fossils are quite rare.  Except for recently found teeth, we don't have any chimp fossils back several million years.  We do have bipedal apes with brains the size of a chimps.  You would have to be in serious denial to say those are modern humans.

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