
If we evolved from chimps why do they still exist?

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If we evolved from chimps why do they still exist?




  1. Well, we didn't "evolve from chimps."

    Actually, both humans and chimps evolved from a now-extinct

    common ancestor, according to both fossil and DNA evidence.

    Chimps are, I believe, closer to us in terms of DNA than

    any other still-living species, however DNA samples have

    been extracted from neanderthal bones indicating that

    neanderthals are going to be closer to us than chimps

    (that is, if and when they complete the sequencing job for neanderthal DNA).

  2. You should first find proof on evolution before you ask questions involving it. I don't believe in evolution. To me it just has too many faults in its "proof" so I go by what the Bible says, the book with no proven faults. Sorry, I don't mean to get all preachy on you I'm just giving my answer to your question.

  3. If caterpillars turn into butterflies, then why do they still exist?

  4. its an IBM compatibility feature

  5. We did not evolve from Chimps but, the  reason Chimps & Bonobos still exist is because evolution does not destroy the parent species as many believe (Chimps & Bonobos split ~ 1.5 million yrs ago).  This means that a branch on the tree of evolution does not die just because another branch happens to branch off it.  Now as for the common ancestor of Chimps, Bonobos & Homo sapiens it does appear to have become extinct.

  6. Who said, "we evolved from chimps"?

    Please state your source when you pose a question based on this questionable urban folklore.

    === additional notes ===

    The term ape refers to the members of the Hominoidea superfamily of primates, which includes humans. Under the current classification system there are two families of hominoids:

    the family Hylobatidae consists of 4 genera and 13 species of gibbons, including the Lar Gibbon and the Siamang, collectively known as the "lesser apes"

    the family Hominidae consisting of orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans,[1][2] collectively known as the great apes."

    As memebers of Homonoids, and more narrowly, of Hominini, humans and chimpanzees are believed to have speciated (split) from a common ancestor 5 to 8 million years ago.

    "Taxonomic relationships

    The taxonomic relationships of HominoideaThe genus Pan is now considered to be part of the subfamily Homininae to which humans also belong. These two species are the closest living evolutionary relatives to humans.

    Humans shared a common ancestor with chimpanzees five to eight million years ago.[39]

    Groundbreaking research by Mary-Claire King in 1973 found 99% identical DNA between human beings and chimpanzees,[40] although research since has modified that finding to about 94%[41] commonality, with at least some of the difference occurring in 'junk' DNA."

  7. Why would we evolve from chimps?  We were made by one supernatural figure called God.  Even if we evolved from chimps who made the chimps?  I think we are to important to be evolved from chimps.

  8. The two things are independent of each other.  There are moths that started out white with a small amount of black on them.  As coal burning London evolved, and buildings became covered with soot, they gradually evolved to become almost totally black.  The white ones still exist, just they are at a disadvantage in being easier to spot in their polluted surroundings.  Therefore, they are less likely to breed and pass on the white gene.

  9. If a baby were born with purple hair, why would all of the existing members of the species suddenly find their hair turning purple?

    In other words, why WOULDN'T the previous forms of ape still exist? There's no reason they would all either have suddenly become human, or died.

    The fact is that we ARE apes, who descended from a common ancestor of modern apes.

    There's no reason to suppose all other apes would die, just because some off-spring changed in the ways our ancestors changed.

    If you wanted to actually understand what evolution says, here are some links that might help you:

  10. We didn't evolve from chimps.  Chimps and humans evolved from a common ancestor that was an ape.  That ape may have looked like a chimp but fossil evidence is sparse based on geological conditions and the difficulty in finding fossils.  Since Darwin proposed his theories, thousands of fossils have been found and they are consistent with humans being evolved as are all other animals.  There really is no doubt about it.  I suspect you are not interested in a  reason?  If you are really curious, the answer is that species split into multiple species generally after the population is split and environments change.  Chimps have the niche of living in the forest.  Humans moved out the forest for the most part, or at least don't depend on trees to the extent that chimps do.  The two populations moved in two different directions based on the pressures of their particular niches.  One branch became humans and the other chimps.

  11. To keep the banana population from running rampant.

  12. The idea that man evolved from an ape is completely false, and is itself laughable.

    It is not supported by any evidence whatsoever.

    All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    Evolution requires the creation of new genetic information. The proposed mechanism is mutations, yet all observed mutations are information neutral or lossy.

    All hominid fossils are clearly ape or clearly human. History is full of frauds and over-enthusiastic claims of anthropologists

    Man was created as man. We are very different to all apes/monkeys and there is no evidence that we evolved at all.

    The evidence does not support he idea that we are evolved from an ape. All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    History is full of frauds and wishful thinking in regard to alleged missing links:

    Piltdown man – fraud

    Java man - a few teeth, and a few skull and bone fragments

    Nebraska man - a pigs tooth

    Australopithecene (Lucy) - portrayed with human like hands and feet despite the fact that it is known to have ape like hands and feet, and to have been a knuckle walker.

    To believe we evolved from an ape requires an awful lot of faith! It flies in the face of the evidence, and of scientific knowledge.

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