
If we get involved with Russia and Georgia is there a chance that the draft will be reinstated?

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This really scares me. The US military is really spreading itself thin. What do you predict will happen?




  1. We're war-weary. We won't open a third front without closing one of the current two, or unless it's an absolute necessity, ie Russia attacks one of our NATO allies. Then, we'd likely enact a draft.

    If anything, China would be against Russia in a conflict. They've never liked each other much, and Russia's ambitions in the Caucasus would be seen as threatening to China, since China is very aware of the loose control it holds in its western provinces.

    If we did get involved (ie, if Russia actually attacked Poland), we wouldn't be alone. Europe would get off its tusche and militarize to stop Russian aggression. France would duck and cover, but the combined armed forces of Germany, Britain, Italy, Greece, Denmark and Canada would support the front-line nations of Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Czech Republic, Turkey, the Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Krgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. China may take advantage of the opportunity to seize parts of eastern Russia. Japan and Korea would prepare their defense.

    What would worry me in such a situation is an opportunistic attack by Israel on Iran or Iran on Israel. The world community would not be in a position to do much but let them fight it out.

  2. Nothing, all is as planed for the moment.

  3. A draft is coming yes . The economy is bad more unemployed , homelessness , and distrust in gov running ramped . So more war is called for to distract the people from their problems .

  4. Hi!

    Georgia is not alone and nor are the US. There's no need to worry.

  5. Forget about the draft. There'll never be any for two simple reasons: One, big and powerful countries like the USA seem to go against only the smaller countries which are incapable of fighting the US, which basically means we invade and remain there untill we're no longer needed or until we deem it necessary.

    Second, if we do ever go to war against one like us (CHINA, RUSSIA), soon after that NUCLEAR weapons would be use, resulting in ZERO need for more soldiers.

  6. Yes, it's possible. But it's highly unlikely barring the unfolding of a worst-case scenario, a war with Russia. If the US and old USSR go from trading barbs to trading bullets, there will probably be a draft. But if that does happen, we'll have somewhat worse things to worry about, anyway. Personally, I'm against being radioactive.

    Edit: To 1-2InformationAlways- The draft is far from ancient history, and nobody /wants/ a nuclear war. All involved would try to keep it conventional, which requires a vastly larger military than the US currently has. The manpower has to come from somewhere, and if it can't be had through volunteers, it will be had through conscription. Whether or not we all blow ourselves up is, ultimately, irrelevant.

  7. This really scares you?

                                       OK , so it should!

    Lets just look at the facts, as I see them.

                                        Russia has seen fit to sort out this Georgia place, for whatever reason, , none of my business'

                                           China wants to sort out Tibet for whatever reason, I think I know why, in both cases, but I don't truly know, and again none of my business.

                                              OK back to your main question.

           Conscription, if there is a conflict then indeed more troops will be needed.

                                                America even now has and is supplying humanitarian aid to Georgia, so far the Russians have just brushed this off, and said "welcome"!

                                                    Now China? Are we all really willing to believe the story put out by Tibet? Look it all up for your self.

                                                      You and I live in a democratic state dont we?

                                                        Research all the known facts, if you can find them, talk to your local rep, ask what he thinks.

                                                           He will toe the party line, we cant win, if there is a war between Russia the West and China, we will all lose, no victor!!  All for what?????

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