
If we go by the aggregate, which is the most emotional people on this earth ?

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I realise the lack of statistics on this, yet I want to have an idea of what popular notions, no matter how subjective, are available about various nationalities. I mean what stereotypes are there on the mind of different people about each other. Clear ?




  1. teenage residents of the US

  2. if ur question is " Who are the most sentimental people?" ,the answer can be even more accurate: INDIANS!

  3. Stereotypes?  i think they're endless.  I understand that for years most of the world thought Americans were Chicago gangsters - from the movies they saw.


    I once thought Paris was this lovely little village of restaurants - until I visited and found it was a city of over 11 million people.

  4. Deeply religious people. No race or gender if that's what you mean.

  5. This is a little difficult to come to a conclusion on.  There are no statistics that tell us which culture is 'emotional' since all people have emotions.

    If we go by the definition in the dictionary 'emotions' mean an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.

    Since all people experience these emotions to varying degrees it would be impossible to lump a group together and say "These are the most emotional people on this earth."

    You can look at different cultures and see which ones encourage emotions and which ones discourage.  This does not give us a conclusive answer either, but it is a little easier to say the Italians are emotional people and the Japanese are not. Although in these two cultures emotions has little to do with anything, but culture and traditions have everything to do with everything.

    Sorry I can't say that there are one group of people that 'are the most emotional people on this earth.'  Although your question warrants consideration and may get some people to think about their own families.  :-)

  6. women- most certainly

  7. The Yahoo community......

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