
If we had a leader like martin luther king jr. today, would they still be assasinated?

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when i think of historic politcal/social leaders, i notice they all get assasinated for trying to change a nation or the world into a the better place. and i also noticed that currently we don't have someone of that caliber anymore. but if we did, today, would it eventually have the same outcome? is this why we don't have leaders like this anymore? are people scared they might get killed by enlightening people?




  1. yep..take a little longer but hed still go down

  2. You say change the world for the better, better for who?

    Um you do know they had an agenda, every race should fight for equal rights, then fight for more.

    They were no different than anyone else.

  3. 5% of of everything and every group are bad , so there would be a 5% chanch of it

  4. So it's like this. You will always have those people who don't like a very influential person. I personally believe that there is someone out there now devising a plan to assassinate George Bush (not saying he is or isn't a leader). So if we did have someone who is a great leader today, he would definitely have attempts on his life... what we don't know is whether it would be successful.

  5. I don't think it's possible to have a leader like MLKjr today.  I don't think its' fear of assassination (fear of assassination wouldn't stop such a person).  The character of the movement has just changed too much in the intervening decades.  A voice for justice, tollerance and unity just wouldn't be heard.

  6. that could be. but really, if anyone was to take a hardline stance on any of the problems facing this nation today, they would be ostracised for being closed-minded and one-sided. in order to appeal to a large number of people, you have to appeal to a large number of people and with the vast opinions of people and the way the media portrays anyone who seems like a 'radical', no one can really be on one side of the fence or the other. you have to ride it like a skateboard down a handrail. also, theres not many issues that the entire nation can stand behind. not many people are being oppressed anymore. the issues are not there for a great leader to rise up and be hailed for their efforts.

  7. dude go back in history and really find the true story. it may surprise you .

  8. People can be afraid of change, this has been proven time and time again through out history.  We all have different views, but sometimes a leader will step up and make his or her views known.  No matter what, you will always find someone else who don't share the same view, and find that leader a threat to his or her lifestyle.  So, I would have to say that if Martin Luther King Jr. was alive today, and we still had the racial tensions we did back in the 60's he would be assassinated.

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