
If we had one match and one Candle....?

by  |  earlier

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I would have to ask s**y Sadie to turn it on for us.....x

What about you.....?




  1. me....I would be busy looking at all the cleavage

  2. i would love to light your fire Evly with Steve ofcourse

  3. David dont know how to keep it Lit..Homeboi lights HIS with his notorious Bomb Farts..Me on the otherhand..well you'll see wassup lol

  4. Is it somebodys birthday!!!

  5. How bigs the cake ???

    Is anyone going to blow out more than the candle ?

  6. sadi who? them 2 can find thier own candle..may i join evly? im good at keeping them lit.

    lmao @  jm, i wont even ask how u figure that... but time for u to head back to school kiddo, i got this one.

  7. I'd ask her to join us


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