
If we had some actual Hero emerge into the public spotlight?

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Suppose some person with actual high upright morality

like an ancient King Arthur type with a popularity like say Alexander the Great (not sure what even could emerge in our present culture)

Or even some group of Heros

for whatever reason gain some superstar celebrity status worldwide

and have high ethical standards

would the morality of our age be uplifted?

would people develop their own desire to improve?

or have governments media corporations and religions actually done final fatal damage to the human race?

In other words do you think a "Great Civilization" is still capable of rising up on Earth?




  1. Absolutely I believe humanity will prevail in greatness.  End times may be coming for you and I or our children but humanity will not "end."  There is too much potential in each person.  I am waiting for the breakout of a great strong character who can inspire and lead towards better days.  That person will come but I think a catalyst is what's missing right now.  The catalyst will be another grave circumstance but out of the ahses comes the pheonix.  There will be peace on earth if it takes a millenium.  I am worried that a majority of the population has become far too negative.  A man who is convinced he will die tomorrow will probably find a way to make it I believe in life and hope because its just too dark to believe otherwise.

  2. Yes.

    I really believe, and feel optimistic that someday, people will improve greatly, and "Great Civilization" will rise on earth.

    Yes again, we need that kind of heroes, with high upright morality.

    Actually, this improvement is hapenning now. I am seeing it right now in my country, in my neighbourhood, in my office, and in my family, most of all.

    What we need is a leader, strong enough to lead -not to rule- , to inspire, to give a hope and make it come true, to love and to serve.

    Every body feel pesimist, maybe because they dont trus their leader anymore, that their leader is trying to fulfill his own ambition, his ego, rather than his people's prosperity.

    I think they forgot that a leader start their leadership in a small community, like a family.

    A father and mother. A chief. A priest. A governor. A president.

    Many heroes has shown their leadership, their humble serving, like Mother Teresa, that had touched many people's heart. Princess Diana, Abraham Lincoln.

    We must believe that someday a leader will bring us a happiness, a prosperous life. And we must improve our self to be a true leader. Start from our own self.

    Dont wait for a miracle. Be a miracle.

  3. A great civilization depends on people, on heroes, not upon a single great hero.  

    Oh and you are currently living in a "great civilization", greater than any that existed before.  One that will be remembered long after it is gone, whether those who will be remembering it are gathered around camp fires eating human flesh or are gathered around computer screens among the stars.

  4. He would be deemed the "antichrist" and someone would kill him

    the good guys are not winning this war.

  5. The more i think about it the more impossible it seems.  You would have to deal with people who presently practice all the different kinds of religion, the current and inspiring political leaders, and current and inspiring business owners and corporate giants.  You would have to appeal to all sorts of subcultures and individuals to even get them to listen to you.  Its like 1 in a million, and it would take many many years of cultivation.

  6. someone would shoot him

  7. I believe that even back then, some people disagreed with Alex the Great, or even would've if King Arthur existed.

    People can't all agree on one thing, they're just different and they've always been like that.

  8. They would be celebrities.

  9. Never happen.  We are in the End Days my friend.

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