
If we had world war 3 and it nuked the human race into oblivion, do you think Mother Nature..............?

by  |  earlier

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would make us humans again, or would she think "**** that, I wont make that mistake again!!"




  1. how the h**l is mother nature supposed to make humans what the freak, have you ever heard of GOD?

  2. she would probably be like..f*** that..bc we make MN work harder than she has too..with all the pollution and stuff like more humans..

  3. Human life will always exist. God says so.

  4. if there were only two people left?...they would probably I'll go with the latter...

  5. An interesting question, if in an unappealing form. I doubt evolution would make the exact same thing again, that just seems highly unlikely. I do think, though, that intelligence will be a defining factor in evolution, and will lead to smarter and smarter animals, until something eventually evolves to our level of intelligence.

    That'd take a while, though.

  6. One Way or Another There Will Be At Least a Dozen Human Living, and Start a new Generation.

  7. Mother Nature's got one goal in mind, survival.Somehow I think human's would have proved a bad bet so I'm opting for the '**** that' choice.

    Something we agree on?(faints!)

  8. thirld war is coming and its all about oil n money so mother nature is half to blame. enjoy life while u can.

  9. There is no one named Mother Nature.  But if there was, she would probably say "**** that, I wont make that mistake again!!"  LOL that's a funny question.  Even though it is dumb.

  10. Mother nature doesn't make helps them...

  11. No. It's evolution of the planet. You could be asking "Will dinosaurs ever come back?" It's the same answer..  

  12. yep she would

    but we are not the only species that kill for pleasure

    cats enjoy killing and will torture its prey

    killer whales use mained prey to teach young to hunt

    and will also play with food

    we are top of the food chain

    for now

    it would only take a virus for us not to be

    we dont need a world war

    witht hte way honey bees etc are dying out when they are gone mankind will follow soon after as the pollenate all out fruit and veg etc etc et

    think about it

    so who is mightier us or bees

  13. Mother nature would say "Ok then back to Mars".....

  14. Nature will always find a way, and it won't involve humans.

  15. this is an incredibly dumb question

  16. "f**k that, I won't make that mistake again!"

    Because if she does, she'd be stupid because we'll just s***w her up again like we are doing now.

  17. She would be like 'Thank ****, their gone now...GOD - lets go get rat arsed on acid...were free to roam!!!!!'

  18. Nature endures, she doesn't give a c**p whether it is humans or bees or ants that overpopulate the world - so long as she has control.

    Anyway If I were her I wouldn't do the human thing again !!

  19. the latter

  20. The radiological damage done to the earth and vegetation would make it very unlikely that a humanoid life-form could evolve again. If they did it would be a very long time off.

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