
If we have a woman president, we all hope it is not within the next four years. Can we agree on that?

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Mike : Thank you. You read the question. (Maybe the others did to?)




  1. Why not?

  2. Yes, win or lose, I hope John McCain will stay alive and healthy for the next four years.  Why would anyone wish ill on him?  

  3. Definitely, if  the thought of President Palin doesn't send shivers down your spine, you are one fearless S,O.B.

    The Democrat House and Senate would shut her down as well.

  4. a woman could probably do better then any man that has been in office we have had all men presidents and look at where we are now so a woman can't do any worse then these men have done  

  5. Ok?  you are a misogynist.

    peace out

  6. McCain may outlive everyone who thinks he may die within the next 4 years. He may outlive Sarah Palin. I hope it is not within the next 4 years and hope John lives to be a hundred.

  7. Get a life, yo mama etc.

  8. lol, obama has you so twisted you cant find the door off his crazy train!

  9. Would you still be saying this is Hillary was on the democratic ticket?

  10. What happened to all the Luv for Hilary????  

  11. Sounds so iffy?

  12. That's like saying bo should not be president.She has more going for her than ole' bo will ever have.

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