
If we have another 9/11 will the people blame Al Qaeda or criminal elements in the gov't as conspirators?

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  1. First, the sh*t will fly at everyone.

    Then investigations will show likely parties and then facts will show who.

    Then the loonies will come out with their US gov't conspiracy theories based on too much TV and not enough real education.

  2. idd have to say thats why usama binhidden is still on the "lamm" we can blame him from now on"..have you noticed how the federal laws change when so-called terror acts occur? start at pearl harbour/check the history of the new laws that the "executive branch has incorporated since g.b. took office!@

  3. If we have another 9-11 i will examine the facts and blame the guilty parties. Considering that Al quada was responsible for the last attack and that I see no sign of what you term "criminal elements" in our Government. it would be logical to blame a terrorist group either Al Quada or one of the others.

  4. Well all we have to do is look to who makes the most money and who stands to gain from the attacks.

    After 9/11 we know a whole host of people made a lot of money.

    1. People in the CIA and FBI got raises for failing to do their jobs.

    2. Security companies got contracts to beef up security in airports.

    3. Top fortune 500 comapnies made billions from put options on airlines

    4. The investors who bought the WTC complex made about $7 billion off of a measly $98 milion investment

    How much did Al Qaeda make?

  5. is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

                                                                            Hermann Göring

    This quote says it all. Most will believe what the government, and the mainstream media to believe without question. Those of us who will see the truth will be denounced as crackpots, and/ or un-American.

    In the book 1984  Big Brother had O'Brien as an escape goat, and Bush has Al Qaeda. in either case no one questioned what they were bong fed. This is what will happen again, and again, until the majority wakes up and sees the light.


    War Is Peace

    Freedom Is Slavery

    Ignorance Is Strength

    Atleast according to Big Brother Bush.

  6. Yes they will.

  7. If this was my question, I would give best answer to either vote_USA, or Mr. smartypants.  I have to agree with both of them.  *sm*

  8. People will blame whoever they are told to blame.

    History shows that  government commit horrendous crimes, and is in fact conspirators. Therefore, we should always look at government as the first suspect, and ask exactly what does government have to gain by this.

    1) Increase the power of government

    2) Increase the cost of government

    3) Allow creation of new govt departments

    4) Start wars

    Anyone who does not question government, and governments media, is unamerican.

  9. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL BLAME  THE FBI    AND THE GOVERNMENT,afterall we as a nationn divided  as need to put the  blame

    on  someone.we as a country are weak unless we reunite.

  10. if we get attacked by al qaeda again i expect bush to attack greenland

  11. Both. Or maybe we'll blame the people who actually did it.

  12. The cat's pretty much out of the bag. I would wager that we have a genuine 5th column in our government.

    It's not the people we are electing that are the criminals, it's the parallel government that it orchestrating these terrorist attacks; the British, Israelis and US intelligence.

  13. Since most people can't see beyond their own noses, I suppose they will think what they are told to think.   Its just like what happened the in September 2001.  What we SHOULD do is hold our government accountable for failing to protect us.  

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