
If we have self confidence...?

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Do we come out better in pictures?

Do you think that all these gorgeous girls come out the way they do because they believe they are beautiful. They don't see any flaws in themselves?

I mean, do they just KNOW they're hot, pretty, do they just know it and come out great in all their pictures? :/





  1. it is true that I am a nice but they are also full of problems and come evil in photos.

    can you help me in this question? or turn a star? thank you.

  2. you HAVE to have confidence to take good pictures. itll show. just like me, i wasnt very confident and i hated my pictures cuz they looked horrible, and even how i walked arond and stuff i was told id be prettier if i had confidence. since i got it, i look better in pictures and people tell me im pretty more. you have to really think youre pretty and hot and have confidence and itll come out in your pics

  3. majority of the pictures are professional grade quality, heavily edited, and the girls are wearing a **** ton of make up. so if you have a really nice camera, nice editing program, and can get your make up just right without looking like a w***e. then a majority of your pictures will come out nice.

    remember its a photo shoot, they take many pictures and pick the best out of the bunch to represent the models. natural beauty, self confidence, and having a knack at modeling does help.

  4. I think that you should watch Americas Next Top model.  Those girls look like everyone else, the difference is that a hundred photos have been taken of them with different poses, the eventual photo that is shown has touch-ups so that the makeup looks flawless and the girls have a team of hairdressers, make up artists, stylists and other professionals to help them look the way they do.

    If you watch that show you will see that the girls suffer from low self-esteem, or they have crying fits, or they throw a temper tantrum so they are human just like the rest of us, the difference is that they have to sell a product and so need to look happy each time.

  5. Anyone can come out better in a picture if it gets airbrushed!  Some people just naturally take better pictures than others.  Some people are very photogenic and some are not.  Attitude and self esteem can most definitely affect the way others view you in real life and in photos. What one person might find attractive or appealing may be a total dislike for another.  One thing all those girls have in common is that they are all human and as humans we tend to critic ourselves harder than others do. So YES, they most absolutely see flaws in themselves.

  6. I wouldn't say any of them are stunning. Lots of models nowadays get their photos airbrushed to disguise flaws.

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