
If we have the technology, and can do it why don't we make car like KITT from the 1080's TV show Knight Rider?

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Remember KITT, from Knight Rider? well, we have the technology to make the computer, and the ability to put it in a car(but it wont have the ability to have it drive by itself, or be invincible(people are working on those things though)). Even though it is gonna be expensive, they(the maker) could sell it for just as much as they made it for.




  1. this is Cybernetics; already  has been experimented,

    The breakthrough in autonomous driving came in the 1980s through the work of Ernst Dickmanns and his team at Bundeswehr Universität München and work funded by DARPA as the Autonoumous Land Vehicle. Dickmann's vision-guided Mercedes-Benz robot van achieved 60 miles per hour on streets without traffic. The subsequent 800 million Euro EUREKA Prometheus Project on autonomous vehicles (1987-1995) brought further progress. A first culmination point was achieved in 1994, when the twin robot vehicles VaMP and Vita-2 of Daimler-Benz and Ernst Dickmanns of UniBwM drove more than one thousand kilometers on a Paris three-lane highway in standard heavy traffic at speeds up to 130 km/h. They demonstrated autonomous driving in free lanes, convoy driving, and lane changes left and right with autonomous passing of other cars

    For 2007, DARPA introduced a new challenge, which it named the "Urban Challenge". The Urban Challenge will take place on November 3, 2007. The location of the event will be announced on August 9, 2007 after the qualification process is complete.The course will involve a 60-mile (96 km) urban area course, to be completed in less than 6 hours.

  2. I didn't know they had TV shows about cars in the 1080's.


  3. Undestructible allowys are not available yet.

    Also, a computer that is smart enough to drive a car of his own initiative is not available yet. Although the closest thing are robot vehicles for space or deep sea exploration who can take decisions on their own.

    This usually means something like avoiding bumping into bolders. Still a far way from dodging cars driving the oposite way when traveling at 300mph.

    The biggest piece of bull**** tough was the microwave device that allowed kit to open doors or stop helicopters. Altough it is possible to interfere with electrical devices using microwaves or radio waves, this would be used to jam radars. It cannot be used to open locked doors.

    Even if such a car is ever developed, it would be for the exclusive use of the military, or maybe the secret services. You and I could not just walk to a car dealer and exit at the wheel of one of those. Sorry.

  4. Actually most of the technology was way beyond us. Remember, Kitt could flash that red light and control any mechanical device, even if it wasnt electronic, like pad locks.

    The intelligence of Kitt was well beyond any psudeo-artificial intelligence that I have ever heard of.

    Of course, the invincibility was just rediculous, and when he needed repairs, they did so with those strings of color lights that they sell at walmart for $5, instead of having a team of programmers.

    Honestly, I think talking GPS systems with voice recognition is about as close as we come to Knight Rider technology. And they have those.

    ...Oh, and you can probably get the light on the hood that goes back and forth.

  5. They can easily develop cars like Kit to an extend probably even improve on the design...question should be how many people would trust letting a machine have that much control over your vehicle, a short circuit and you might go flying off a bridge somewhere.

  6. Dang...I so wish we would have thought of this when I still owned my Pinto...

  7. We don't have the technology yet.  Sad, but true.

  8. The reason we don't make jets like

    the SR-71. We have the knowledge,

    we the have power, and we also

    have the GPS, the computers,

    the lasers,  the robots, and

    the 10,000,000 ton Earth movers

    to crush every one of them.

  9. Some components of the KITT exist now and are being integrated into automobiles: navigation, self diagnostic and impact avoidance technology. We don't know how to build a computer that can think and learn with complete independence yet. One useful tech. would be a warning system that detects your brain waves and keeps you awake when it senses you're dozing off. That would be great for commercial truck drivers and for long road trips. But an actual KITT car would be extremely expensive to develop, so the retail price would be out of reach for 99% of consumers.


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