
If we just kidded on that the Royal "Family" ....?

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.... was there then we would save one bucket load of money. As a tax payer I object to paying for a family that is so out of touch and in thier own little world etc. Yeah yeah, I can hear you all now ....the hard work they do.....the you really want a president. Come on get real, the royal family have never done a hard days work in their lives, the biggest tourist attraction in Scotland is the Loch Ness monster and we all know that doesnt exist and our Prime Minister will do for me! The fact is we dont need them, sack the lot of them I say and we can kid on they are there it would probably bring in a lot more tourists. Wake up people (or subjects as they would call us) and smell the roses. Sack em all and sack em now!!!!!!!




  1. Agreed, No one can tell for sure the exact cost of the Monarchy,  each Gov.Dept. has to contribute towards the upkeep the monarchy and the figures are well hidden and in some cases covered by the "Official Secrets Act" [What dont they want you to know]?

  2. i'm with you on this one. send them out to do hard work

  3. Absolutely.  They despise us ordinary people, and while happy to live off us, they pay the people who work for them ludicrously low wages and to give nothing to charity.  Yes, they organise fundraisers, but that's just to encourage others to cough up.  They contribute bugger all to charity themselves.

    They are mean in spirit too, hate each other, have no culture or creative life, bunch of joyless, self obsessed spendthrifts - lets get rid.

    David M - we don't WANT to be special to the Americans, thanks - it only bring trouble...

  4. I think they Royal's bring more to this country, than a monster that does not exist or does it?

    The Royal family does bring more and I hope will stay for many years to come.

    Look at Germany Russia they got rid of their Royal's and look at them.

  5. At last ! someone who is talking sense.  I do not think that the royal family has any place in 21st century Britain.  They are a complete waste of money.  Hard working?  Yeah right!  None of them knows what work is.  As for the tourism thing, that is utter rubbish.  France doesn't have a royal family and Paris has more tourist than London.  We should also take back everything that belongs to the state and not them.  I think its the end of the line.  They've had a good run now its time for them all to go.

  6. The royal family are dinosaurs. The only thing they do is bring in revenue from tourists. They should stay but only as a tourist attraction, and have any powers that remain taken from them. All hangers on and distant relations should be made to work for a living, and supply their own housing. David M Tradition is a good thing at times , but not when the Health Service is near collapse, Education budget is stretched to the limit, housing costs are so high that people cannot afford a home, and we are paying for a war that no-one wanted or had any consultation in.TECHNOPHOBE I believe that they are the nations country houses!

  7. Eliminate royaties wherever they are!

  8. You are tallkin through ur backside.

    What we loose o taxes the royal family. We will be taxed heavier on something else.


  9. Although I resent the salary paid (over the years to all and sundry however remotely related to the royal family) and the fact that until the 90s the Queen had never paid any income tax (can you believe that!), I truly believe that the Queen (if not her offspring) does work hard.  Who else do you know who has to work most days in their 80s.  And I can't imagine Her Maj. slobbing about the palace in her jamas until tea time.  She may not have had it hard over the years but she's certainly had to keep working day after day without a true break, especially  from the attentions of the media etc.

    Having said all that, I do believe they are no longer needed and are totally out of step with the nation.  Maybe it's time for retirement to one of their many country houses.

  10. I'll chime in as an American, although it's truly none of our business.  From our point of view, it makes Britain so different and so special.  You have the richest history in the world and the royal family is one of so many things that make your country so special.  From British history, we know about William the Conqueror,  the execution of Charles I, the erosion of the power of the royal family, the War of the Roses and the creation of one of the world's greatest documents, the Magna Carta.  On the negative side, I am familiar with the tax issue and the number of homes /castles owned by the Royal family--which seems excessive.  I guess I would ask are their charitable foundations successful?  Do they give more than they take from your economy?  It's very interesting to us.  One of our richest women is Oprah Winfrey, who was born in poverty and is totally self-made. We certainly have a lot of wealthy people, but most are self-made or descendants of entrepreneurs.   Also, when you speak of "the royals", who exactly are they?  We know about the Queen and Prince Phillip and their children and grandchildren and that's about it.  I've heard of Princess Michael of Kent, but how many royals are there and do they all live exclusively from the public dole?  Is there any actual way of measuring their value to your nation--anything like a cost-benefit analysis?  I question whether they bring in any tourists.  Sure, we see the changing of the guard; we see the castles and the crown jewels, but we do not see the royals.  Wouldn't you have the same attractions to tourists without them?  Pardon the intrusion into a British discussion, but I thought it was interesting.  EDIT: In response to Amsterdam, I did not mean to offend anyone in any manner, but please do not assume the American citizen and the American government are comparable.  I certainly meant "special" in the most positive fashion.  I do not believe the American people have caused you any particular problems.  If I judged the British people by those I have met through this forum, my opinion would be overwhelming positive.  If you found my comment offensive in any way, I apologize.

  11. I say kick their hind-ends out of there and make 'em get real jobs. (make the palace a school, or a warehouse, or somethin')

  12. How little you know the Royal Family work very hard and they also pay tax the money the queen gets is for running the royal palaces for things like wages for the staff and the general upkeep of them keep the Royal Family we don't want to be a Republic it would cost a lot more to have a president than to keep the Royal Family

  13. In all honesty if we are going to look at reforming the tax system there are many more immoral and expensive things to object to being made to pay for.  Lay off the Royals they are too easy a target and actually they pay for themselves more that 10 times over!

  14. I say give them the ol' molten lead e***a!

    Ev'ry last bloody one of 'em!  XD

  15. its only 60p per person per year in uk , duh a load of cash duh  more gets spent per person on playgrond school litter,

    royalty related tourists spent over 100 mill last year u do the maths


  16. It's really funny, if you read your question, you could be either referring to the Monarchy or that Northern crowd who watch TV all night and wait for Anthony to come so they can have a brew!

  17. You mention tourism, so why dose France get more tourist? And Graham m. 60p per person might not seem a lot, but if I took a penny off everyone in the country just the once. You wouldn't like that, even though it only a penny! It would be the fact of me having £700,000. Lets make it voluntary, if you like being a surf then you can pay for them. And why when they are such large land owners. With large incomes from the rents, do they also need our money? They are getting richer by the day and only pay £1 income tax a year. Alright I don't know that for sure, but I'm more likely right than wrong. They wont let anyone see their taxes. The Duchy of Cornwall chooses it's tax rate. Far below what any other property company's pay, ie. no capital gains tax. An unfair if you are a competitor. And it doesn't make us special, we not the only Monarchy in Europe!

  18. it amazes me that morons like you and others that have answered this question haven;t got a clue what being british is all about,we have been blessed in britain like no other country(especially republics)we are known for being fair ,support the underdog and live better lives than most,and the monarchy is part of that system as they are there to make sure that poloticians dont get out of hand,keep what you have,you are the envy of the world

  19. sorry but i much prefer the royals to people like blair, brown,milliband,cameron etc.because the royals dont have as much power as a president would.

  20. here here

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