
If we know that in ancient times land mass was not anything like today then how did we come from africa alone?

by Guest64739  |  earlier

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Africa is the way it is today because of its current location on the globe the planet whatever! Anyway who is to say that humans not apes lived all over the planet maybe not antartica but all over? Land mass has changed life differs across the planet. Saying we evolved from apes in africa is kinda lame. We did not evolve from apes we are a uniuqe species of primate that has changed throughout time. I personally dont believe in the current theroy of evolution. I think we are different becasue of diet and are brains. Both are probably related causing growth of the temporal lobe in our brain that makes us able to cummincate verbally and visually. We were in africa for sure

but why only there?




  1. So, why does potassium argon, thorium and uranium/lead, electron spin resonance, photoluminescence, and rock strata dating show that all the earlier forms, on the evolutionary path to Homo Sapiens Sapiens, are found in Africa? Try educating yourself on the subject, before displaying your ignorance for the world to see, and next time, use the spelling check function!

  2. You seem to have your own theory, that's wrong, based on scientific evidence throughout the years and, is not theory but, real evidence. You might say a closed mind. so, based on this, there's no debate with you.

          I do suggest you either take the classes like we or, I did for years, then ask again or, read the books.

  3. There was the first life in humans.

  4. The Pangea (One single land mass) that you're speaking about was between 300-400 million years ago...

    Then they separated into continents!

    That was even before dinosaurs came about (250-65 million years ago)...

    Primates and proto-primates have only been around for 60 million years, AT THE MOST!

    Hominids, 4-8 million years, at the most!

    Why did bi-pedal hominids start walking around upright around Lake Victoria in modern-day Kenya back then?

    Conditions warranted it...It was on the Equator, where it's warm...That was the only place that that kind of creature existed...

    Migration "Out" of that region of Africa, didn't start until about 1.5 million years ago...

    Why? Why not? Chance, perhaps...

    We live in an accidental universe!

  5. Who this "we" is you're talking about; I've never been to Africa.  JK

    Seriously though, the relative locations of the continents haven't changed that much since the time of the earliest known hominids.  Even at the blazingly fast speed of 4 inches per year, the continents would have only drifted a little over 631 miles in 10,000,000 years.  Sahelanthropus tchadensis, a species that could be the oldest known ancestors of modern humans, are only 7,000,000 years old.  It doesn't look like their globes would've been that different from ours.

    Why only Africa?  Maybe it wasn't just Africa.  Life is a pretty amazing thing, but there is the possibility that the same kind of people developed simultaneously in different parts of the world.  It's also possible that our African ancestors just killed off everybody else.  Maybe Africa was just the only place where human beings could've developed.

    I don't know where human beings developed, or why (I wasn't there).  There are a lot of hypotheses going around that make some sense, and some that don't.  I like any theory that gets us pizza, beer, and the internet.

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