
If we left Iraq today and gas went to $7.00 tomorrow. Would we have your support?

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all troops come home tomorrow and Russia assumes control of Iraq, gas goes to $7.00 a gallon and all of our troops come home. Gas lines form next week and you get 5 gallon allotment a week. Do you want what Hillary and Obama want/ Surrender and bring our troops home. yes or no?




  1. you in jail why.

    have fun playin basketball with you inmates

  2. What happened to the Iraq oil,Bush said that would pay for the war when he asked Congress for war powers.

    Iraq,gets new police cars,that get blow up each days.Our County Police Drive 80 model Fords.

    Iraq get free medical and dental,but a veteran like me,gets crappy V.A. treatment.

  3. What does one have to do with the other? The gov. has said that they can't fix the gas problem. I think we should bring the troops home and start to take care of our our people first. Leaving Iraq does not mean surrender. They don't want us over there any way. What is the purpose of us being there anyway?

  4. why does everyone think we are in Iraq for the h**l of it? We are there for a reason, if we were not there the war would be here on American soil, do you Bush haters want that? Bush haters are so caught up in the idea that we as Americans like to be in other countries business, and That we think that we are the world police, if we don't help people we are the bad guys, if we help people we are again the bad guys. Why can't everybody just leave Bush alone, it isn't his fault that September 11th happened, who was the president before him??? oh Clinton, he started the problems, but they were left with George W. Bush, i feel bad for Bush, i like him. So you most certainly do not have my support.

  5. our petrol and diesel is already £5.50 a gallon (UK)

    thats what 11 dollars !?,  so if yours went to 7 it wouldn't be so bad eh ?

    yes, bring 'em back US / UK

  6. no... i believe what Bush is doing is what is best for our country!

  7. Obama & Hillary both say that they will 'bring' the troops home.

    I think they are just saying that. Once in the oval office they will relize that's just not possible (haha to them for running their mouth).

    It's funy how you hear that 80% of Americans want out of Iraq...yet the 20% you don't hear from are the ones actually over there fighting the good fight!

  8. no they need to stay in iraq to keep those people in control

  9. They need to stay in Iraq or we pay in the end. Genocide will be on are hands from a mass civil war in Iraq. We will lose all Faith from allied countries.  

    Here is a quote from Hemingway

    Once we have war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For losing brings more horrible things than can ever be seen in war.

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