
If we left the law of the jungle behind us in human history,how come "it" keeps popping up as the way to live?

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If we left "the law of the jungle" behind us somewhere in human history,how come "it" keeps popping up as the way to live in civilized society?




  1. It's vestigial.

  2. The problem lies in the sinful selfishnesses of the human heart.


  3. The Law of the jungle may be left behind or supposedly surpassed, mankind has yet to shed fully his basal animal nature. Until he does he creates a jungle of a free market nomatterwhere he ventures or marks his territory. Sods Law.

  4. You can't get rid of obsolete genes overnight, which is why you'll see people with delusional worldviews for some time to come.... especially that irrational belief system that our primitive barbarian ancestors came up with to explain the unknown universe around them.

  5. You can take a man into a university but does that mean

    he's now a recipient of a higher education?

    Just merely traveling to Egypt doesn't make a person

    Egyptian. If one's heart is still in the jungle then they will

    take that jungle with them everywhere they go.

    So, we left the law, but not the mentality of the jungle behind us.

    And it's actually sad that such a modern society

    hasn't figured out how to tame itself and become

    civilized/domesticated after all this time, research and

    advanced technologies.

    And some of the worst people are the ones who are supposed

    to be highly educated and already well off financially. Quite a

    few of them are driven and choose to live by the laws of

    the jungle.


  6. We never really did - we only fooled ourselves into thinking we became civilized.  Our basic survival instincts are just way too strong within us.  This even carries into our everyday activities, such as our jobs,  and heck, just look at the way people drive!

  7. We were created just a little above the animal. It is up to us through choosing to be greater then what we were.

    We were born with no capacities, helpless with out support we would die. So it is in Mortal life.

    Spiritually the Eternal Son is omnipresent. The spirit of the Eternal Son is most certainly with you and around you, but not within you and a part of you like the Mystery Monitor. The indwelling Father fragment adjusts the human mind to progressively divine attitudes, whereupon such an ascending mind becomes increasingly responsive to the spiritual drawing power of the all-powerful spirit-gravity circuit of the Second Source and Center.

    The inevitable result of such a contactual spiritualization of the human mind is the gradual birth of a soul, the joint offspring of an adjutant mind dominated by a human will that craves to know God, working in liaison with the spiritual forces of the universe which are under the overcontrol of an actual fragment of the very God of all creation--the Mystery Monitor. And thus does the material and mortal reality of the self transcend the temporal limitations of the physical-life machine and attain a new expression and a new identification in the evolving vehicle for selfhood continuity, the morontia and immortal soul.

  8. "IF" we actually did leave it behind, "it" wouldn't keep popping up. What is the alternative law, or way to live for a civilized society? I don't profess to being any great scholar, or even overly educated, yet it seems to me a society living without the law of the jungle, would surely find itself extinct. To live without would require all humans to be equally "evolved" (for lack of a better word) and have similar belief systems. Also, short of equally distributing all resources..etc., how else would we determine, "who gets what" ?

                 Basically you can't change human nature. Self-preservation is really just common sense. Anything else would be laying down without a fight and suicide.

                 I mean all of this in the broadest way and not literal.

  9. Because self preservation kicks in and the will to survive is greater than any other want need or desire. Without it the human race will soon become extinct.

  10. G The visual input confuses us and causes us to forget that all life is connected because to our eyes, we seem to be separate. The delusion of separateness causes most of the jungle to remain in our response patterns.

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