
If we lowered the drinking age to 18 and made weed legal, could we fire 75% of university police officers?

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I think the public could save a lot of money with this proposal. Seems basically all the university cops did was enforce these two widely ignored laws at my alma mada.




  1. No way, who would write the parking tickets?

  2. They're just doing their job. Should we make murder and armed robbery legal too, just so we can fire 75% of Washington DC's police force?

  3. I wonder where you go to school.  Most university police officers are encouraged to look the other way, unless they have to.  This is because your parents paid lots of money for you to go there, and they don't want to lose that income.  

  4. LOL I think you're on to something there.  I think you would only be able to fire about 60%.  They still need the guys to write speeding tickets for going 1 MPH over the limit in a 15 MPH zone and also to write those "gotcha!" parking tickets where you park in a different colored spot for two minutes while you run into and out of an office to drop something off.  

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