
If we mix Russia up with the USSR we Hav Ursia , URSSIA or USSRIA.Does this term seem + exact in nondemocracy?

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If we mix Russia up with the USSR we Hav Ursia , URSSIA or USSRIA.Does this term seem + exact in nondemocracy?




  1. Eh?

    USSR was an abbreviation for the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic.

    In Russian, it is written CCCP.  (C being the Cyrillic letter for S and P being the Cyrillic letter for R and the term, in English letters, being Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik)

    Russia, in Russian, is PyccNa (with the N backwards to indicate the "ee" sound.)

    So your premise doesn't really make any sense.

  2. USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...not what Old Lady said.

  3. USSR stands for the United States of Soviet Russia - just as USA stands for the United States of America. Mixing Russia with the USSR would be like mixing Colorado with the USA to get USAR. In other words, you are trying to equate a part with the whole, which gives you an internal redundancy. .

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