
If we only have ten years left....then who cares?

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Al Gore says we only have ten years left or we are toast. If it is true that we are toast, then why are we caring so much about the housing market, price of energy, racism, aliens, any of it?

I mean we only have ten years....I think it will all be done by 2012, but I wear a tin foil hat.

All is lost, all will be taken asunder in flames of our own species' making and the human race will exist no longer.

The remaining animals will look back on us (once they evolve thought and all that good stuff) and say "I kinda miss the human species since they DID have air conditioning and would sometimes let me in the house". And of course they will condemn us for leaving the planet hotter. They will also have to develop a society from scratch that depends not on fossil fuels or opposable thumbs.

Is this a world you even want to be around to live in? Which species will start talking and all when we are dead? Will they use our buildings or make new ones?




  1. no one global warming is already happening both poles have already lost a record number of ice Al Gore can still make millions from global warming

  2. Al Gore can still make millions from global warming.

    Al Gore can build more mansions in the name of global warming.

    Al Gore can live to fight another day of global warming by relaxing in his huge mansion, not a thought about his huge carbon footprint.

  3. Why do people care about any other problems?  because they can and they want to.  Housing market, racism, $ of energy are "smaller" problems and no one wants to face the reality of global warming...or they forget about it.

    Talking animals... cool.  I doubt that they'll be really smart until like 1 billion yrs later though


    Everyones brain washed and not researching for the right evidence that for example shows that there are more polar bears than ever before! Al Gore is an idiot ! And this is also another reason why gas prices are higher because enviromentalists wont let us touch the oil that we have in Alaska. ITS A WHOLE BUNCH OF RUBBISH WHAT THEY'VE CAUSED!

  5. pigs will be the new dominant species.....

    Harry Truman said " No man should be President, who doesn't understand hogs.."

    Harry was the smartest President... Hogs must be next down the chain of command......

  6. I care but there are definitely things more important to be concerned with.  I have a bird that

  7. s h i t happens. o well i guess me and the president will have the same quality of life.....finally

  8. I don't think it was Gore who used the term "toast" maybe that was Hansen?

    But, he could have been talking about Ellis Hobbs.

    As for "we've got 10 years" - they've been saying that for more than 10 years.

    Now some of them are saying we've got 10 years before it starts warming again.

    They have no idea what will happen.

  9. It just means wake up and take charge and stop being a pig about the environment

  10. James Hansen said we will be 'toast', not Al Gore.

    A preponderance of the global scientific community agrees that we have only about ten years in which to start changing our ways; if not, it will be too late.

    So I guess you have a point: why even TRY to change things? why not just take a defeatist's attitude and resign ourselves to the complete decimation of the planet.

    After all, that would be better than giving up all the wasteful habits we engage in now as we squander the Earth's resources, waste energy, kill the environment, and ignore the problems we've caused on this planet. You're right: let's all just give up.

    OR, we could take the attitude of those who believe

    'global warming is not happening' and simply continue to live in a state of denial about the whole thing, ignoring what most of the world's scientists say....and calling Al Gore an idiot (that's a mature, intelligent, provocative response!).

    -RKO-  07/29/08

  11. cuz maybe we can save it

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