
If we pull out of Iraq, does that mean we will "lose" the war?

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Is the Iraqi government STILL at the point where they can't handle themselves without American help? Why are we still in Iraq five years later?




  1. The way we lose is also the way we win, by not having control of the country anymore.  Iraq needs to be owned by Iraqis.  And getting them there peacefully is winning.  We will start pulling out soon, because they don't want us there anymore.  After Obama went to Iraq, they agreed with his plan to be out in 2 years (mostly).  But I didn't here Fox news report that.  It was said once on CNN and for a Couple days on NPR.  

  2. What ever happened to "Mission Accomplished"

    You Americans lost the War when you lost the trust of the Iraqi people.

    When mercenaries were killing Iraqi people . You lost.

    When the American soldiers realised that their were no weapons of mass destruction and they were being used as political pawns . You lost .

    Why are American soldiers still dying in Iraq 5 years after the "Mission Accomplished" ? Because you have a President who doesn't know how to say "I was wrong"

    So he will let Obama get you out of the mire you are in..

  3. Yes. That's what it means.  

  4. i have nothing against america what they are doing is right.. but you's or the uk or anyone cant pull out cause the country will be ****** plus even if we do leave then they will just come after us and bomb us again and again.. we have to destroy them!!!

  5. Well, if Iraq becomes the home base for terrorism in the world, I would say you lost.  With the chaos over there that could easily happen if the US troops left.

    So if that happens in a year or two what should the US do?  Invade again (a year after leaving)?  Just sit back and hope for no more 911s?  With that in mind, you can see why there is no point leaving Iraq until it is as stable as possible.

  6. The threat of an al-Qaeda takeover of Iraq existed at one time, but that has been deterred. Al-Qaeda in Iraq basically self destructed because nobody higher up could control Zarqawi, and he basically ran the movement into the ground because he was a psychopath.

    Sectarian violence is also down. Now, the main insurgents we are fighting in Iraq are part of an Iraq resistance force that wants coalition troops out of their country. The main rebel faction is the Mahdi Army led by al-Sadr. He will not reconcile his faction with the Iraqi government as long as there are US troops in the country. We have now reached a point where our presence in Iraq is doing more harm than good, so it is best to start pulling out.

  7. one word: OIL

  8. How can we lose if we can't possibly win?  It's an non winnable situation.  We are supposed to be fighting terrorism, but wars get declared on countries.  Winning involves taking an area, and forcing a surrender or utter defeat.  Taking an area we can do.  Eliminating terrorism? Not so likely.  For every terrorist we kill or capture there is someone else who will strap a bomb to their chest and kill themselves and several others.  We can't possibly watch everyone at all times.

  9. how many hundreds, even thousands of people have died? how many trillions of dollars have been wasted? how many innocent civilians have been killed? the way i see it, nobody wins with war.

  10. I didn't know it was War. I thought it was a conflict. Who cares if we win or lose anyway? Every time an American dies for oil and money we all lose.

  11. There is no war or enemy. It's just US soldiers invading and stealing from a country. Iraq is a victim regardless of when the US will pull out, once they finish the pilige, looting and senseless killing.

  12. You  got  biggger  problems with  Russia.

  13. if we pull out of iraq there will be no consquiences. all that we want to do is mess iraq up and then leave while everyone will be fighting against each other because we have divided it up into 6 terriotories and we want oil.

  14. we lose the war but gain the peace.

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