
If we really had a looser for VP do you think the left would tell us?

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I know when I heard they chose Biden I said it was a good pick! I'm glad he passed on 18 million guaranteed votes, that just showed how good his judgment is...




  1. Sure...and it does show how good his judgment is, picking someone that fulfills a need and a service speaks better than picking someone in order to reach a certain voting block...

    Do you want a President that sees and thinks long term or short....  

  2. We wouldn't tell you, we'd tell the swing voters.

    By the way, it's "loser".

    "Looser" is how you left prison.

  3. wow the multinational corporate apologists sure are sicking the dogs on Biden lol.

    You aren't who we are worried about. We know your type is ony going to punch a straiht party ticket regardless of who the candidate is.

    It is the swing-voters we have to keep informed, or we'll end up with 4-8 more years of Bush politics which pretty much mimics the Carter Doctrine.

  4. No, it wouldn't be necessary.   Biden is a loser and everyone knows it; no need to discuss it, except to have a little fun at his expense, remembering his being kicked out of the convention for plagiarism, or saying Obama was the "first African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".    

    Had Hillary been named VP, Republican would have been more worried, and would have done a lot more to go after her.   That's why dems and the media are trying to destroy Palin and her family-they fear her.

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