
If we should just accept as fact that women hold all rights in reproduction, then why should men accept?

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that women should have equal rights in other areas of life?

If its true that all women should have all of the reproductive rights, then shouldn't they also have all of the responsibilities which come from these rights?




  1. It's "her body her choice" so it should be "her responsibility" as well.

  2. I think Tracey has nailed it.

    What specific responsibilities are you talking about? Women already DO have to take responsibility for their birth control / abortions / pregnancies.

    Why isn't my question showing up?


    Well in that case, yes, I am in favour of men being able to sign away their rights and responsibilities to the child, upon payment of a fee (proceeds of which could go towards abortions/child welfare).

    As for taking away other rights, I don't see what this has to do with anything. So because women get pregnant, they shouldn't receive equal pay?

    Hm, actually this already happens.

  3. "If we should just accept as fact that women hold all rights in reproduction, then why should men accept?

    that women should have equal rights in other areas of life?"

    I don't understand that part of your question.

    "If its true that all women should have all of the reproductive rights, then shouldn't they also have all of the responsibilities which come from these rights?"

    They do.  Women have to care of, nurture, and financially support their children.

    Men have reproductive rights as well.  If you don't want kids, wear a condom.  If you don't want kids EVER, get a vasectomy and stop leaving all the birth control up to the women.

  4. And so what equal rights do you suggest taking away from women as punishment just because it's "not fair" that it is solely the woman's choice when it comes to abortion? Just as Tracey said, abortion is a woman's choice because of biological reasons.  

  5. Right on!

    Well, I believe women have much more to offer when it comes to reproduction. That's why mother has always been of importance in all societies. Alas, nowadays that species is endangered.

    But men have all the right to choose not to reproduce. Who do you think invented Condoms? The royal physician in the court of Louis XIV or XV. Why? Because he was tired of getting all the heirs from his women.

    Invest in condoms! Worth more than a blue-chip share.

  6. Im with you on that one. I dont think we should be able to just jump our responsibilities, but wtf, men get to sit down shut up and go along with whatever mom decides.

    Its our kid too you know.

    Tracey: Really, your comparing apples to oranges. Its like comparing lightning strikes to earthquakes. They are both natural phenomenon, are they in any way similar?

    Me being physically stronger than you doesn't adversely affect your life.

    Sam: He means responsibilities to the child. I'm not getting into that issue.

  7. I do not believe females have "all the rights in reproduction"  It requires two zygotes to create a human life.  Both contributors have equal responsibility for providing a healthy environment in which their child can develop.  If males do not want a child, Then it is their responsibility to use a successful method for contraception.  The same thing goes for the female.  I'm not sure why you think females are totally responsible for reproduction.  Perhaps you can rethink this premise.

  8. Yes, all the rights = the entirety of the responsibilities.

    Just as men were entirely responsible for the protection of the group, they held the entirety of the authority. If it's all your choice, it is all your responsibility.

  9. Because reprodocutive rights isn't comprable to other rights. It's whoever's body it's in, there's nothing wrong with it.

  10. Because it's all about them. Didn't you know that the man doesn't matter?

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