
If we should teach children about homosexuality....

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should we teach them about sadomasochists, transvestites and polyandrous people too?




  1. Parents Yes.  Teachers NO  If you are asking if teacher should teach this in the classroom, then I would be a strong opponent against it.  Too often things parents should be talking to their children about fall on the laps of teachers.  Parents will know when their child is ready for a discussion of this sort and it should not be left up to the teacher or school to decide this.  

  2. EXCLUSIVELY with parental consent only and possibly with the presence of the Principal as an observer. For those parents that have consented, there should be an invitation to observe

  3. Depends on the kid. They're going to find out about them anyway, sooner or later.

    You wouldn't believe some of the stuff my kids have learned on the school bus alone!  

  4. They are not the same thing, so no.  

  5. do you live in a heavily populated transvestite community? then yes.  

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