
If we shouldn't desire to be accepted, approved and respected by other....?

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Why would anyone would want to be a multimillionaire?marry a hot wife?...etc

I'm reading "principle centered leadership" by Stephen Covey and he said:

"The more we live to meet the expectation of others the more weak, shallow and insecure we become. "

but isn't this the bases of the society we live in? isn't inevitable? Aren't we living in a society where one's social mirror plays a crucial aspect of his/her life?

In my opinion, I truly believe that one should strive to make the most out of himself but I don't deny the pressure to look good in the eyes of others. We are conditioned by the today's world to look powerful, successful, respected and fashionable.

you opinions?




  1. You choose to either live to satisfy others expectations or you choose to live attempting to do what's right  and whats wise regardless of what others think.  If you do the latter you will probably be shunned, rejected, or ridiculed by some of the weak and shallow people you spoke of, but so what!  Consider the source, and you realize its not worth the time to even think about it.

  2. well everyone would like to be a multi-millionaire, but not everyone desires it. i think it's okay to want things that other people have, but just not put your life aside trying to reach it.

  3. We are ? I guess I've been going about this alll wrong ;)

    The Only person I seek to "impress" is myself, the funny thing is when I'm feeling centered, peaceful and serene it seems everyone else usually follows my lead seems "impressed" also.

    My point is I try to do what I "know" is right, live a good honest life and when I start to feel insecure, or worried about "appearances" or the "I should's" coming on... I say this short prayer.

    F*CK  Emm


  4. If you don't love the hot wife and have nothing to say to her, then your life will be empty and unhappy...if you depend on others to define you, then you are lost...they will never approve of matter what you do or what you get...

  5. We can't help but be that way. Humans are herd animals - we crave security in numbers, we crave acceptance from the "herd", but we also want to be high in the hierarchy as to not get the short end of the stick. It's how we were built, and no one can deny that. That's why people want to be multimillionaires, marry some blonde bimbo with big b***s. It IS the bases of society. It IS's not right though. As we become more independant from one another, an intelligent few have realized that we don't necessarily need others approval to find happiness in our lives. though of course, some people haven't exactly figured that out.

  6. I think the motivation should come from one's sense of self respect and self worth.  If you are religious, perhaps honoring the creator, or something along those lines.  Which of us can walk down the street looking dumpy?  The ones who think s***w the world, I don't care what they think? That is what they SAY. But inside, they think I am not worth it.  If you feel your body deserves better than to be fed junk and never moved or challenged, you will be fat and unhealthy. If you feel you deserve to put only healthy nutritious food in your body and move your body as it was made to be moved, you will be fit and in shape.  If you just go blow money often on whatever is on sale to wear, you will look shabby.  If you save up your money for something quality because you deserve to wear clothing that flatters you, you will be fashionable.  Just a couple of examples but these motivations come from inside. Never once did I mention "you will look good and others will admire you". It begins and ends with you. Period.

  7. I think the real problem is that we have lost the ability to recognize what we actually want. We have permitted the media to enter our lives to such an extent that we consider

    it a reallity in itself. The media is designed to make us feel unhappy about how we are in order to convince us to purchase their products. We have to take back our minds.

  8. bottom line, it comes down to what YOU want. Not what others want for you.

    You want to be a slave to "society" go ahead... join the millions that are disallusioned in debt and self pity.

    I have many "things", but my most coveted attribute is that I carry myself with dignity in everything that I do.

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