
If we somehow used liquid hydrogen as fuel to launch an enormous thing into space, what would be the effects?

by Guest62309  |  earlier

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hat would it do to the Earth? The environment? Is it dangerous? Is there enough to launch an object as large as Europe by using liquid nitrogen? How much of it do you think it'd require to launch a spaceship into space in comparison to the fuel we use today to do it?




  1. liquid hydrogen is already using as a rocket fuel.  

  2. The Space Shuttle already uses liquid hydrogen and oxygen as a fuel.  The large orange tank underneath the Shuttle at lift off contains tanks of both liquified gases.  Since teh by-product of conmbustion of hydrogen and oxygen is water, you are adding more water vapor to the atmosphere.  Water is a greenhouse gas so if it does not percipitate out (rain or snow), it could lead to an increase in teh rte of global warming.  

    Liquid nitrogen is not a good candidate for fuel.  It does not combust readily.

  3. Liquid H2 and liquid O2 are already used heavily in rockets, as they are almost the most efficient rockets possible. Better only is liquid flourine and liquid O2, but the pollution from that is horrible.

    When they combust, you get water, no harm from that!

    Liquid N2 is not usable as a fuel, it doesn't combust easily, and when it does, it releases little energy and lots of pollutants.

    I'll ignore "object as large as Europe" as being too silly.


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