
If we start another illegal and unnecessary war with Iran, will it cost more or less than $ 1 trillion?

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Since the Iraq war has cost over one-half a trillion dollars so far, and given the size of Iran's army, I would assume it would reach this level pretty quickly.




  1. Much more, and for nothing, because it can't be done. Iran has 2 times more population and 4 time larger surface, plus it's all rugged mountains that is perfect for defence and guerilla warfare (not like Iraq where tanks and planes on flat desert can wipe out everything). Not to mention Iranians are 100 times more fanatical than Iraqis.

    So it's impossible to win by conventional methods. And if you nuke them all and have radiation fallout all over, who's going to go there rebuild the oil wells ?

  2. Yes, much more.

  3. "WE" won't start a war with Iran. If war breaks out, the blame will be squarely on Iran's shoulders. If that happens, it will be a very expensive proposition.

  4. More than a trillion  in direct costs then the cost of gas at $8 a gallon. Plus an attack on Iran will lead to a strike on Israel ,will lead to more terrorist attacks , will lead to countless lives lost for what? To "get" a country that doesn't have the capability to attack us?

  5. I want to go to war with Iran so we can kill more miserable muslims.

  6. if there is a war with Iran, it will be an international war, likely with the majority of the UN members participating and protecting Isriel, so I actually think it will be MUCH cheaper than iraq, which was mostly US run.

  7. More, much more... because like Iraq, we will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, leave... ever

  8. What about if they attack us or attack one of our Allies. then what should we do. Nothing? You think,,,,

  9. It will definitely cost the remaining half.

    And since the economy had been "unbelievably amazing" from 2002 to 2005 and again 2007 - pesent, one more war and and we will all start begging on the streets!

  10. neh I believe we just going to bomb Iran

    to take away from them the nuke..

    I don't see how we could invade another country

    with not money and Soldiers...

    Only God knows how much the war in Iraq damage our country

  11. Why money? What about the lives?

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