
If we still lived in the Garden of Eden......?

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If Adam & Eve wouldn't of sinned and we lived in paradise.What do you think you would be doing right now?I know i wouldn't be on the computer right now.My opinion is I would probably would be eating some strawberries.You?




  1. I'd probably be conversing with God.

  2. I would be smoking a fatty with Eve.

  3. I would be eating alottttttttttttt without gaining weight.

  4. They would have never reproduced, so we wouldn't exist.

  5. someone would have f'ed it all up and made god angry eventually... he is an angry god...  it was just a matter of time  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I'd be chasing Eve all over the place...Yikes!

  7. Throwing apples at the snake.!!! And worshiping God

  8. Having s*x...?  

  9. we'd be in an imaginary, we wouldn't be

  10. Love this ?.  LOL, strawberries are you kidding. I could think of a lot better things.

  11. serving God

    raising my own food

  12. jessica; why would they never have had s*x and since we all would have came from adam and eve i would probably be hittin on my cousin

  13. I think even most Christians even agree that many stories in the bible such as Adam & Eve, although carries a very important message, is fiction.

    However if i were in Garden of Eden i think everyone will have super computers from the distant future by now... with free super high speed internet...

  14. you wouldn't be around...........

    Adam and Eve had kids after they were out of the garden.  Remember that it wasn't until after they ate of the fruit that they even recognized they were naked.

  15. Give up all your posessions and move to the woods... you can still live in the Garden of Eden. We all live in the Garden as children. With no money, or bills, or posessions... But, do we really want the Garden?

  16. The garden of Eden is make believe.


    Counter question: What would Lucy think of us if we were hanging out in the African Savannah millions of years ago?

  17. Before adam's fall, God was everything to him.  The paradise of eden can still be experienced today.  Sure, we are not actually there but the things that God gave to Adam, we can still have today.  In the garden, God was Adams pleasure, protection, and provision.  Can God be all of this to us today? yes he can.  So, to answer your question, we would be entertained by god, made safe by god, and all your needs would be met by god.  so what is left?  just enjoy.

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