
If we switched place of a Prehistoric human and a human of today?

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if we switched place of a Prehistoric human and a human of today...

Who would get the most problems ?

ex. the Prehistoric human , because they would find it hard to understand the technical stuffs, or.. the human of today, because they don't have the ability to survive in hard situations etc etc.

AND don't forget to justify.. , thanx :)




  1. I think that the prehistoric human would have the most problems.  I think that he wouldn't even know that he was still on earth, he would probably think he had died or been transported into some kind of alternate universe.  There is no way that he would be able to comprehend any part of modern life even if he spend a considerable amount of time in the present day, because most studies have shown that collective human knowlege must be gained gradually, you can teach a prehistoric man modern technology.  Most likely, this man would be scared, confused, and hightly volitile.  This is the same thing that would happen if a human from today were transported far into the future.

    A  modern man on the other hand would have a much easier time,because he would have at least a cursory knowlege of history, and would be a least a bit familiar with his surroundings.  Most people today are resiliant, and intuitive and would be well able to survive and meet their basic needs at least for a time in an unfamiliar enviroment.

  2. The modern human would have the harder time because they generally know nothing of the natural world compared to our prehistoric bretheren.  Modern man has forgotten how to hunt effectively, how to make stone tools, and how to live with very little.   A modern man would starve in the wilderness, at least 95 per cent of them would.

  3. Neither would do very well.  Most of us have absolutely no wilderness training whatsoever, while they'd have no clue how to survive in a city or even the countryside, what with trespassing laws and hunting laws.  I think, though, that at least the modern human would have the framework to deal with the change.  Not that we're smarter, but we at least know of that lifestyle.  A human from 20,000 years ago would have no way of knowing about cars and cities and all the rest.  Talk about culture shock!  Plus, the modern human might luck out and find a tribe that'd take him or her in.  Our early human would likely end up in jail or the psych ward.

  4. Equal difficulties...

  5. If you are speaking of the average modern person who doesn't have any survival training it would probably be a coin flip over who would perform better. Personally, despite our technological advances I believe people from thousands of years ago were way smarter than we are now. Prehistoric humans discovered things which laid foundations for later humans to work with. You can just look at work done by ancient humans. To this day the pyramid blocks are so perfectly laid a piece of paper cant fit between two rocks. Also, a man was able to put a stick into the ground and use its shadow to determine, almost exactly, the diameter of the Earth and the Moon, pretty ingenious if you ask me. But modern humans with all our technology and knowledge hardly ever calculate things so precisely as the ancients did. Not to mention that they had to hunt for their meals, had to survive the weather while being outdoors almost the entire day and even if they entered a cave for the night they probably couldn't close off the entrance very often and definitely didn't have heat to turn on, outside of a fire they needed to build. The modern day man would enter a world where humans were in just as much danger as wild animals were, which isn't exactly true today. Even though the modern man might be aware of modern methods and technologies even the most basic activities of the early human was a difficult task. I believe it would be easier on the Prehistoric man to enter a human controlled environment where things are accomplished easily as opposed to a wild environment with no advantage to the moder man where basic things are difficult.

  6. Just make you take your lighter with you!

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