
If we teach intelligent design, should we...?

by Guest32919  |  earlier

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Teach conspiracy theories along with history?

Should we teach opposite theories of morality in ethics class?

Should we teach Hitler may have been right and atomic theory might not be as good as quintessentialism?

Shouldn't we have free speech and shouldn't children get to decide what they want to believe? Or do we only allow alternative options when it favors Christian fundamentalists?




  1. Exactly.  Free speech doesn't mean you don't have to do your job - and biology teachers are hired to teach biology, not religion.  Free speech means you can say whatever you want, but it CERTAINLY doesn't mean you're right.

  2. my whole issue with this subject  is they teach evelotion as fact and not theory as it is there is no proof that we came from apes because if we did evolve  from them then why are they still here???

  3. Everytime I read one of these questions and some moron says, my problem with evolution is that it's taught as fact and not theory, I just want to find that person, grab them, and yell YOU DON'T GET IT SO SHUT THE *$%& UP!

    Doesn't anyone else get frustrated with how stupid this debate makes people look?  Like take the monkey mom above.  Why is it unrealistic to say you evolved from a monkey?  Do you realize the insane c**p that goes down to make a person?  Is it ridiculous to say that a person comes from two types of cells?

  4. Seperation of church (freedom of religion) and STATE (government) didn't seperate the Church from the State. It seperated the STATE from the Church.

  5. I completely agree with the whole freedom of speech thing and in all honestly we've taken the phrase "separation of church and state" too far.  The phrase wasn't meant to keep church out of government but more to keep government out of church.

    But aside from that, you have to be careful when you teach intelligent design.  Some people will jump all over you faster than you can say the word "intelligent".   But you are free to teach all theories about how this world came to be.  You can state what you believe if asked.   You just can't state what is wrong and what it right.  (This is the sad unfortunate truth of school systems today.)

    The one thing you CERTAINLY can do though is if you have a christian start to speak up about the truth they are free to do so.  You do not have to stop them.  Though you can't unfairly stop a student talking about evolution either.

  6. If we teach intelligent design, should we...?

    Teach conspiracy theories along with history?

    Conspiracy theories are part of history.

    Should we teach opposite theories of morality in ethics class?

    Would you want your children to take those classes?

    Should we teach Hitler may have been right and atomic theory might not be as good as quintessentialism?

    If you feel it's essential to teach those views, please teach your children at home.  There is a difference between having an open mind and being an idiot.

    Shouldn't we have free speech and shouldn't children get to decide what they want to believe? Or do we only allow alternative options when it favors Christian fundamentalists?

    Of course children should decide, but suppose they are presented with the idea that sexually molesting a child is as valuable to society as teaching a child self-control?

    Honey, I don't care whether or not you have a bug up your butt when it comes to Christianity.  I think you're just looking for an excuse to do whatever you want to do.  You also seem to need to find attention and approval by saying outrageous things.

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