
If we took one minute off our shower what would it do??

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I saw this commercial. That if we take one minute off our shower time as a community it could fill an olympic swimming pool and such. I am trying to find those facts and this commercial. Any info is appreciated.




  1. well we'd be one minutes worth of water less clean...

  2. It would save water.



    I think thats it :)

  3. ONE shin would be completely unshaved.

  4. Not sure about the commercial or the facts....but it seems pretty obvious that it would cut down on the water usage.

  5. goolge it!

  6. interesting idea.  Why not just use a flow re stricter in the shower head...  doesn't diminish how hard the flow is but reduces the amount of water one uses.

  7. Most showers shoot about 7 gallons in a minute, so if ever single person (if they all had 1 shower) took 7 gallons off, then we would have 63 BILLION gallons of water more, although in reality, with families and all, we would most likly save on 14-18 Billion, (2 billion 1st-2nd world families)

  8. psh hahaha the world would go insane when that day comes that u see girls taking a one minute shower.

  9. thats the most retarded fact ive ever heard.

  10. make you a minute less clean

  11. who times themself in the shower?

  12. It would save water.

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